View Profile NGReviewEater
This account has been abandoned due to some very slow maintenance and upgrades. Go to my new account, KingLightning123, for new updates.

The Newgrounds Review Destroyer @NGReviewEater

Age 30, Male

Eating Reviews


Joined on 7/20/09

Exp Points:
3,290 / 3,600
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5.97 votes
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- A small brief NG Guide History = 20 posts [Picture] [Part 5]

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 8th, 2010

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Guide Navigation:

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~ Scene 9: Part 7 of the Guide ~
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Current Time: June 7th, 2009 at 4:32 PM (+5)
BBS Post Count:
469 (+23)
BBS Rings Count:
1 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 9
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 7 (+1)

Well that last scene was a bummer. For one, the ring count took a massive blow (1 ring left), and for two, I posted less posts to the BBS. Note that within 5 days, I made 23 posts. That averages to 4.60 per day, which is complete bullshit. Before that ban by Malachy, it was at LEAST 10 posts per day. Fuck, it even hit 13 posts per day, and that's when I REALLY had a good time on the BBS. The fact that I (hadn't) "solved" my problems with Mal made me think that I'm safe. Note that the ring count was 38-43 back then (although it should have been around 90-100 if I were to post that much, but whatever).

Now after that BBS ban by Malachy (and that long-ass rant about it), my posting quantity and posting habits went down, ALONG with the ring count (which is now a measly 1 ring). Seriously, that ban brought my mood down (you should see a clear connection between the ring count and the mood/posting status by now) and I don't feel that happy posting to the BBS now in fear of another opinionated ban by whomever. It's a fucking trend now. BBS regulars get banned less, and non-regulars get banned more (since their presence on the BBS wouldn't make a fucking difference anyway). It's like a mod just loves or has a passion to the BBS regulars, and don't give a fucking shit about the non-regulars. And when the regulars DO get banned by a mod, they get a discount of a few days less (like 3 days instead of 5) and when a non-regular gets banned, they pay the full price (5 days and it stays as 5 days). A 66% blow on my post rate and posting habits, and almost a 99% blow on my mood.


So anyway, I decided to cross the line (now in a positive way) once again with the guide. I made Part 7. Part 7 was a guide on how to blow the whistle in flash submissions, and how to get it flagged for administrative review. It crossed the line because it wasn't about reviews at all. The guide went off from the topic of reviews to flash submissions. However, the original guide title...

Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 7: Determining Violating Flash Submissions

...didn't mention anything about it having to be about abusive reviews. Therefore, I went on with this plan. I mean on the flip side, a guide on how to write good reviews won't earn you whistle points, nor will a news post about news of the guide. So this argument could go either way. But I digress, so shut up. Anyway, I wrote up the whole guide. It wasn't easy; too few places to find out information about blowing abusive flashes. I tried the FAQ, but that was not much of a help. The biggest help, and I normally don't use this page, was the flash portal submit page under "Please note:". A big bunch of rules to abide and follow. In fact, a massive amount of Part 7 comes from that page, plus with examples I made up, elaborations and all that good stuff.

So Part 7 was published, and that was that. It was nice though, since a good number of people appreciated the guide and commented on it. It was better than Parts 4 & 5 & 6, ALL of which were epic failures.

However, something was missing, so...

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~ Scene 9: Part 8 of the Guide & BBS Ban #10 ~
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Current Time: June 10th, 2009 at 9:41 PM (+3)
BBS Post Count:
BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100 (+/- 0)
Number of BBS bans:
10 (+1)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 8 (+1)

OK so two things happened today (6/10/09). Which one should I explain first? Ah I will start with the BBS ban first, and get it out of my fucking way. I'm getting sick of the BBS, so I will push that stupid bullshit out of the way first.

First I will list the ban, and then I will explain the ban and how I got it.

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~ BBS Ban #10 ~
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Ends: Friday, 12th June, 2009
Duration of ban: 2 days
Administered by: NEVR
Reason for ban: User requested. ~NEVR

Administered at: June 10th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 0 (<--- This is a first...)
Total Rings Remaining:

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Huh, the ring count stayed the same. Cool huh? Well it better stay the fucking same for each ban I get after this one, or else the ring count will reach the shitty (danger) point: 0

So during this time, I was a freshman at high school (secondary school) which is 9th grade (year 9 of school). The end of the school year was approaching, so I had final exams to study for. I first of all fucked around in this thread before studying. That thread was created when I had that opinionated BBS ban by Malachy (as noted in the previous 2 scenes). Anyway, before I throw another hateful/unneeded rant here and fuck up this scene, I'm going to go on:

I screwed around in that thread, and AGAIN Twilight decided to be a smartass (once again) by starting to troll in that thread. He started by trolling my posts, and (once again) kissed up to the mods, saying he enjoys the BBS (since he shits out 30 +1 posts and gets away with bans & those shit posts) and that I should fuck off. This flame war again expanded and got shittier by the second like it did a few days ago. Except this time, I knew I had put out the flames myself without some other opinionated mod/user putting it out for us. But how do I do that? Well...

I banned myself from the BBS for 2 days with the help of NEVR, and asked him to trash my recent posts in that thread. He nicely did what I asked, and even trashed one of faglight's posts as well (although not all of them like Mal did). That ended that, and possibly protected myself from another opinionated ban from that asskissing prick who will *POOF* appear randomly and ban my ass for harassing Twilight. Well I sacrificed my posting privileges to NEVR protect myself from that scenario.

Twilight may have gotten away with his posting privileges with that one. Let him enjoy his fun. I at least protected my ring count with a user requested ban, which is pretty good. If I didn't request that ban, then the outcome of this scene would be similar to the previous 2 scenes. I also had to study for my final exams, so me being banned from the BBS will give me no reason to go there, so therefore I can study properly with no fucking distraction.

The ban is more of a positive thing than a negative. Still didn't bring up the ring count however, but it did (possibly) prevented the loss of that one final ring.

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So after all that stupid shit, I got my ass off of the BBS and reread Part 7 of the guide. Then I looked at Part 2 and said "Hmm... how about I make a post dedicated to reporting flashes?" and I made Part 8. It was a post where users can bring in links to abusive flashes. It can be flashes DURING judgment or AFTER judgment.

Title: Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 8: Flagging/Reporting Abusive Flash Submissions

Immediately, SlashFirestorm told me to use the NGPD or EGB for that. I did agree, but then said to myself "I'll leave this post here anyway". That was a good idea, for I thought to myself that I can use this as an "abusive flash dump" where submissions that have been passed that needs to be deleted can be dumped there. Then from there I can simply PM Wade a link to the post and have him delete all the individual entries submitted. It's better than having 2,000+ PMs sent to Wade, and causing him confusion.

And that is that. Nothing really happened in that post after that.

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~ Scene 9: Part 8 of the Guide & BBS Ban #10 ~
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Current Time: June 13th, 2009 at 8:53 PM (+3)
BBS Post Count:
500 (+31)
BBS Rings Count:
1 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 10
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 17 (+9)

So the 12th of June I was unbanned and now I am at the 13th of June. That is 31 posts I have posted to the BBS, and 2 days it took to make them. Which is a 15.5 posts per day rate! Wow. That user requested ban brought my mood up. Also, my final exams were over at this date, so I was happy at that and wasted my time on the BBS. 15 posts per day and no ban between that. I think I slowly regained my title as a BBS regular with those numbers. Normally people post around 2-10 posts, but those that post more than that are regulars for sure.

So after bullshitting around on the BBS, I went back to my user page. Yesterday at 6/11/09, I have gotten encouragement from users to split my abusive review guides into two; one for flash reviews and one for audio reviews. Each type of review will receive an abusive review guide, an abusive review post, a guide on how to make a good review, review flagging questions and such. So each guide will undergo mitosis, where it will divide into two. I also have split Part 3 of the guide into 3 pieces; a guide on how to flag abusive reviews, an abusive review guide (same Part 3), AND examples of abusive reviews. Since I'm splitting Part 3 into two pieces, and each piece will be split three times, I will have 6 parts.

Then today I devoted a lot of time into making plenty of news posts for this plan to work. I made 9 news posts worth of guide material. Those 9 news posts are:

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 9: Finding Abusive Flash Reviews

This post is a separation from Part 3, the abusive review post. With the split of the review guides, I had to rename it as "abusive flash reviews". It was supposed to be merged into Part 3, but because Part 3 was overcrowded (I updated and redesigned Part 3 from time to time; dates on when I updated them were lost) I split that post into pieces. This is one of them. A guide on tips on how to find abusive flash reviews (abusive flash review hot spots). The explanations and how to interpret an abusive review will be left on the abusive review guide. This post will list tips to find abusive reviews.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 10: Flagging Abusive Audio Reviews [Link]

This is a replica of Part 2 of the guide, except it pertains to abusive audio reviews. Same rules applies to Part 2. Due to differences in what makes an audio review and flash review abusive, I have separated the two posts to avoid confusion and possible misflagging.

*This post became the new Part 2 (abusive [flash] review post) as of November 6th, 2009, because Part 2 had hit 500 comments; the maximum amount of comments a news post can have. To preserve those links, YET move the crew somewhere, I moved it to Part 10. Part 10 was the abusive audio review post, but due to the fact that NOBODY used it, AND that I needed to move the Part 2 crew (users that participated in Part 2 are members of the crew) somewhere, I threw them in Part 10. More info on that later as I reach that scene.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 11: Determining Abusive Audio Reviews

Like Part 3, it was a guide on how to interpret an abusive audio review. Slightly different from the abusive flash review guide, but they both share the same qualities (insulting artists, saying it should be deleted, etc.) in some guidelines.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 12: How to write a good solid (non-abusive) audio review(s)

Like the useless Part 4, this was a guide on how to write a good audio review. I never got around finding a tactic on how to review audio properly, so I left this as an "under construction" post as well.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 13: Abusive Audio Review Flagging Questions

Like Part 6, this is another flagging questions post. Ask flagging questions here pertaining to flagging abusive audio reviews. This wasn't necessarily made to troll/piss off Malachy and his Review Answers 2.0 thread, but rather it was made since I have to split all the review guides if I were to split one.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 14: Finding Abusive Audio Reviews

Another split duplicate of Part 9. This time, it pertains to finding abusive audio reviews.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 15: Examples of Abusive Audio Reviews

This guide never existed in the "flash reviews guides" section, because I couldn't cram it in due to no available news post. I left it in the audio review guides since I now have the opportunity to do so. For the finding flash reviews post, I merged that with Part 3 for the time being, until I find a plan to solve the pertaining issue.

Anyway, this post is an example of abusive audio reviews. It's a way to teach users what are examples of abusive audio reviews, and what to flag. It's similar to Part 11 (abusive audio review post) except it doesn't list the guidelines; only the examples of reviews that break those guidelines.

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Cleaning up NG Part 16: Determining Violating Audio Submissions

Like Part 7 of the guide, this is a guide on how to determine abusive audio submissions. There is no flagging option available, but there IS the option to PM Wade to delete audio. So I wrote this up. There weren't too many resources available; I only used the guidelines from the Audio Portal Submit Page and elaborated on that. It was then tagged as "Under Construction" since I was dissatisfied with that guide, and will find more info to add to it.

So in other words, it's a guide on how to point out audio submissions that violate the Audio Portal rules. Not a big success, as nobody commented on it. Oh well.

Oh, and note that the phrase "and Whistle Points" is missing from the title. Well that's because by reporting abusive audio, you clean up the site, but DO NOT get whistle points.

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Cleaning up NG Part 17: Reporting Abusive Audio Submissions

A replica of Part 8, this post is another dumping post where users can dump links to abusive audio submissions. Then once enough has been built up, I can send a PM to Wade to this post, and he can speed through and delete shit off of the site (and ban the motherfuckers).

There WAS the Audio Portal Cleanup Thread, so this post was a failure again. Oh well. I tried.

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~ Scene 9: The NG BBS Rulebook Guides ~
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Current Time: June 14th, 2009 at 8:00 PM (+1)
BBS Post Count:
507 (+7)
BBS Rings Count:
1 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 10
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 19 (+2)

This is a breaking point for the Newgrounds Guide. I went beyond flagging flashes, reviews, and reporting audio, and went to the BBS section. This section was pretty shaky, and I wasn't really comfortable doing this part. But what the fuck. I did it anyway:

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Cleaning up NG Part 18: ALL of the BBS Rules (Part 1) [Link]

So it begins. I began the first part of the BBS guides. It basically was an overview of all the BBS rules in the various forums. Look in that post itself and you will see.

These are the resources I used for that news post:

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/rules (General BBS rules)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/91 0559 (Qualifications to host a collab)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/rules_pr ogramming (Programming Forum Guidelines)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/19 7815 (Club & Crew Rules)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/rules_ar t (Art Forum Rules)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/rules_au dio (Audio Forum Rules)

It was, to be brief, just copy and pasting of rules and guidelines to the news post. Then I added a fancy layout, tweaked some HTML, and all that good stuff. It was okay I guess. Not my best work, but not my worst work either. While it is a pretty useless post, since there is no explanation to each rule and what it means, it crams all the rules for the WHOLE BBS in a single post. That's pretty good, in my opinion. Not the greatest, but DEFINITELY not the worst either.

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Cleaning up NG Part 19: ALL of the BBS Rules (Part 2) [Link]

This was slightly more complicated to create. While it was still copy and pasting, I had to do SHIT LOADS of searching and searching to compile that post. Most of the rules came from here:


But a lot of others required tremendous amounts of searching. Mainly I had to find topics by Wade or a mod that proves to people that the unwritten BBS rule ACTUALLY exists.

It was hard, but it was worth it in the end. Also, the layout and HTML coding was also a bitch too.

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Guide Navigation:

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[>>>>>>>>>> Next To History of NG Guide Part 6 >>>>>>>>>>]
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Relevant picture is not-so-obviously relevant:

Because the Angry Faic is too awesome to be irrelevant.