View Profile NGReviewEater
This account has been abandoned due to some very slow maintenance and upgrades. Go to my new account, KingLightning123, for new updates.

The Newgrounds Review Destroyer @NGReviewEater

Age 30, Male

Eating Reviews


Joined on 7/20/09

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3,290 / 3,600
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- A small brief NG Guide History = 20 posts [Picture] [Part 4]

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 8th, 2010

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~ Scene 9: New Flash Portal Layout ~
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Current Time: May 26th, 2009 (+2)
BBS Post Count:
BBS Rings Count: 38 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 8
Remaining Ban Length: 1 day
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 6

So today is when the new widescreen layout was released. It was okay I guess. I hated it though. The screen was too big to reach for the voting bar. The voting bar was small. The reviews were really small, so was the flagging button (the "X"). When writing a review, the box was also glitched too. Even the author's response had a glitch to it. On top of it, the "You may also like..." panel pissed me off the most. Like I came here to watch the fucking movie; THAT IS IT! I don't need lame ass advertising for the other submissions. Sure if it were smaller I wouldn't be annoyed, but it took up ONE FUCKING THIRD (33.333%) of the screen! Like... bitch please... There were also an increase in ads too, but I wasn't bothered by them. I never was annoyed by Newgrounds' ads anyway, unlike many other fucking shitty websites where 68% of the screen are shitty flashing useless ads.

So I left the flash portal, and just viewed the BBS. Looking at the status information, I still had 1 day left until my ban expires, so nothing was posted then.

Eventually, Tom has released an option to switch to the classic layout. YES! THANK YOU! I immediately switched to the classic, and was done with that.

Full discussion of the wide screen layout is here.

No new part of the guide was created either. So today, no progress was made.

I made this scene due to the widescreen release. The coding is fantastic still, so I wanted to show my appreciation to Tom & the team by dedicating a scene to this release. I'm sure many people loved the widescreen layout. I think it's okay; not the greatest but DEFINITELY not a heap of shit either. Hey, you can't please everyone. This was a redundant scene, but I'm sticking this here anyway as a symbol of appreciation.

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~ Scene 9: I lost almost all my BBS rings thanks to Mal the asskissing faggot ~
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Current Time: May 30th, 2009 (+4)
BBS Post Count:
443 (+31)
BBS Rings Count:
3 / 100 (-35) (<--- Holy fucking shit)
Number of BBS bans:
9 (+1)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 6


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~ BBS Ban #9 ~
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Ends: Tuesday, 02nd June, 2009
Duration of ban: 3 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: ad hominem attacks in the thread The Unwritten Rules [http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 065617]. Insulting other users, name calling, and giving out private messages from me trying to blame (wrongly) twilight for using alts to attack mods is borderline harassment/trolling. ~Mal

Administered at: May 30th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 35 (<-----------)
Total Rings Remaining:
3 (<--- Wow...)

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BBS Rings Count: 3 / 100 (-35)

This ring count number explains itself a lot...


Okay, I got way too carried off there...


Wow this is the WORST ban I have ever received from Mal. I thought this shit ended, but seriously? This is what I definitely call "asskissing" or "cock/dick sucking". More specifically, the sucking of a 13 year old spammer's cock. Now I don't use the words "cock" or "asskissing" or "dicksucking" so when I use it, I REALLY mean it. He's banning me for accusing and insulting poor faggot Twilight; could it get any worse than this?

Anyway, I got banned for something Twilight decided to be an asshole at. So in the thread, obviously he was being a whiny bitch about the unwritten rules. There is a reason why they are called "Unwritten Rules", faggot. Then I went in there and posted some shit. It trolled and harassed him apparently. Then he replied and added harassment to his posts too. In fact, Mal forgot to delete one of his harassing posts. Good thing he didn't, because you can now go in there and see the +1 post. I'll post it here for the fuck of it:

"And to you, SuperMario whatever. You always get banned for brownnosing and backseat modding. Though I hate Malachy with a passion and he hates me back, I haven't posted on my alts in a long time and I would love to see those screenshots also."

It mentions my user name, although he didn't fully spell it correctly. He even claimed me to be "brownnosing" and "backseat modding", something that he should keep his smartass mouth shut up about. That's none of his fucking business. What I get banned for and reason does not warrant his faggotry concern, nor his attention. This is where the thread gets worse. I did derail it a bit, using more insults and shit, but he took it to level 2.

Then he brought up my whining about Malachy and all. HERE he should keep his faggot mouth shut and mind his own fucking business. My issues with Malachy is none of his fucking business. It's like a mod suddenly posting a user's ban history in public (which is not allowed according to a mod rule), but fucking Twilight isn't a mod and therefore can't be punished for a mod rule.

Then he starts kissing Mal's ass, something that crossed the line. Wait, he already crossed the line by making a fuss of a user's issues in public, and he crossed another, more serious line now. He mentions and argues my bans, kisses up to Mal, says that my bans were justified, that I was trolling, backseat modding (which I never was banned for by Mal), harassing other users (do I really give a rats fucking ass if I harass a stupid BBS user? I don't think so, and Twilight is no exception) and all that garbage. Whether or not I agree with Mal's bans is none of his fucking concern. He also is a fucking hypocrite saying that I was "brownnosing" when he was brownnosing RIGHT at that god damn moment. Bah, what can I expect from an immature retarded 13 year old that is an attention whore?

It seems like I'm pulling shit out of my ass, with 0 of my posts currently present there, but I will never forgive Malachy for this, and will never forget this scene. Since this is the NG Guide History Post, I'm not willing to lie to cover up the real truth.

This shit-fest keeps going and going. Now it reaches the point where some more BBS celebrities like Twilight begin jumping on the bandwagon with him, and further annoy the fuck out of me. They then quoted my posts and added insults to it. They jumped with him, saying that I deserved the bans I got, I was backseat modding, etc all the shit Twilight said. Not like I cared, because my focus was on Twilight, and not on the other attention whore BBS fags. More flaming and insulting and harassing in the thread. It literally became a flame war, with Mal's name thrown all around the place along with other mods. There was asskissing and bandwagon jumping (against) that supported the asskissing (towards Malachy). Or they jumped on the bandwagon to be recognized for supporting a BBS celebrity, and therefore get some popularity and attention too.

So then the thread was locked, and I was banned. As said in the ban description above, it was a 3 day ban. Yes I did use a PM Mal sent me to accuse of him to use alts to attack mods (as said in the ban message), but that's still fucking retarded of an excuse to ban. Plus, I was wrong? Wait, you (Mal) just said that he was using alts, and now you're saying that he WASN'T? God damn you Mal. Anyway, guess who made the lock message? BINGO.

As Mal said in his lock message:

"this thread seems to have gone down the shitter."

Indeed it did. About time you fucking came along and ended it, asshole.

"Twilight: I don't hate you. I have no clue where you got that vibe, but whatever I did to warrant you to piss and moan on twitter and people's userpage news posts about it, PM me and let me know."

SSSSSSSSSSSCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFF!!! Wow I think this is a hidden, more implied reason of why I got banned. To blame Twilight of hating him and shit. He's a fucking attention whore, you fucking dumbass. (NSFW INCOMING) But wait, I shouldn't forget the cocksucking and asskissing that occurs within the two of them (Mal and Twilight). It's like a 10 year old boy (Mal) is sticking his dick into a 8 year old boy's (Twilight) ass, and ejaculating semen/sperm ("cum" as some of you call it) in it. In other words, gay anal sex. (Although they didn't hit fucking puberty.) Yes if you visualized that, the resulting image IS (extreme) child pornography. But words don't equal pictures, so not like it is illegal (although I'm at the verge of crossing the line). Rather, it's a severe insulting example to the two of them. This is the history post, so it's not like I give a flying fuck in the vagina if they get offended. Anyway...

"this thread is locked because it is turning into a shouting match."

No shit Sherlock. Why didn't you *POOF* appear out of nowhere and break it up earlier like you did in that Sonic thread incident 2 months ago? IDIOT MODS. When a BBS regular gets harassed, the mods come and put out the fire. But when a non-BBS regular gets harassed, the mods don't do shit, or do shit too late. Faggots. Examples are this incident, and that Sonic thread incident listed in Part 2.

From this point on, I thought of Malachy as an opinionated asshat who is light on certain users (Twilight) and harsh on other users (me). This is where I had more hated feelings against him. The hatred was stronger than before he and I had that so-called "resolution" we had in PM. Wait, this is the moment where he wanted to fire his firepower at me, so that he will force me to get my ass out of the BBS, and protect Twilight from me. In other words, he gives preferential treatments to certain users (mainly BBS celebrities) and harsh treatments to other users (like myself) because he likes/dislikes something about that user or its their popularity that is influencing him. Apparently I wasn't the only one that had that thought, as other users made claims that Mal is an opinionated mod that gives special treatment to certain users.

Seriously, if he wasn't opinionated, why the fuck did he leave one of Twilight's harassing posts up? Does he really like Twilight the 13 year old and hates me so much that I deserved what Twilight said? I got banned for insulting users, and Twilight insulted me yet didn't get his post deleted? Mal... you opinionated jackass... ah what am I going to do with you?

Next time he says he doesn't have anything against me, I'll fucking question him on why he didn't fucking delete that post. Like why the fuck would he delete my less harassing posts, and leave a more harassing post behind? Fuck, Twilight even exposed some of my bans, which is none of that prickface's fucking business. Why did Malachy do that, and what's the purpose of that? To award him with a +1 post for insulting me when he still has feelings against me? Oh never mind, fuck it; this time I'll get him GOOD.

Remember that skit example I used in Part 2 of the History post? Well I will use another one for this example:

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SMBS: Wow Malachy, this is the WORST ban I have received from you.

Shadic93: Say what?

Shadic93: Wait, did you say that out of all bans, you got the worst one from Mal?

SMBS: Yes. There is this one 13 year old faggot out there that spews 30 +1 posts worth of shit each day on the BBS. I almost modeled my posting habits after him, since he had a sign-up date earlier than I did. Luckily I didn't. Anyway, we both got into a shit fight in a thread, and I got banned from Mal. Like what the fuck?

Shadic93: He probably got banned too as well.

SMBS: He mentions his name in the ban message, so I bet he got away with it. Faggot. Well if he gets off earlier than I did and I see him posting tomorrow, shit's getting REAL intense. More intense than the situation before the 30 day ban I got. Ten fold. That's how bad it's going to get. If he lets a fucking 13 year old spammer get away earlier than a BBS non-regular, I will be fucking dumbfounded.

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The story will continue to the next scene, as I don't want to spoil the rest of it.

Like I said in that skit, if I see Twilight getting off earlier than I did, then...


</whiny long ass butthurt rant #2>

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~ Scene 9: Malachy you opinionated prickface faggot ~
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Current Time: June 1st, 2009 (+2)
BBS Post Count:
BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100 (-2) (<--- Aftermath effect)
Number of BBS bans:
Remaining Ban Length: 1 day (-2)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 6


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*2 days later*


Shadic93: What happened?

SMBS: That faggot got out and made another 25 shitty BBS posts today, and I'm still banned!

Shadic93: WHAT?

SMBS: ...............................

Shadic93: SMBS, you okay?

SMBS: ...................

Shadic93: .............

SMBS: ...............I'm fine. It's that I'm so fucking pissed that I want to fucking Chaos Spear that bastard's sorry ass and see him fucking die in pain and misery. Like banning a popular spammer for a shorter period of time than a non-regular; is he a fucking retard? Because I sure as hell think he is, despite being 22 years old. I'm facing status discrimination. To the MAX that is. Jesus Christ it's like as if a black guy and a white guy were going over the speed limit in an empty highway. Same speed, but the police catches and gives a ticket to the black guy, and the white guy is let loose. To finish it, the police calls the black guy a nìgger. Mal is the police, I'm the black guy, and that fag is the white guy.

Shadic93: Well... I don't have anything to say... it's just... that appalling... and hurtful...

Shadic93: And it was really painful to read the last few sentences... do you really think that Mal would go deep into racist thoughts?

SMBS: ................probably..............

Shadic93: .................

SMBS: .................................

Shadic93: I still got nothing........

SMBS: ........Chaos.....fucking.......SPEAR! *Shoots a spear*

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Yeah I knew that Chaos Spear thing was fucking pathetic. But if I actually saw Malachy in real life, and can shoot Chaos Spears, I would have fucking killed him dead on the spot there without a second thought for doing that stupid shit. Seriously. Like REALLY? He's going THAT low to protect a 13 year old brat from a 14 year old? FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS.

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Shadic93: That attack fails with the BBS ban in place. That son of a bastard is using the ban he issued to you as a shield against your attack.

SMBS: Damn you Malachy, damn you! *Falls on knees and hits the ground*

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Seriously, what the FUCK? Like why the FUCK did faglight get the preferential treatment from Malachy and I got the harsher treatment? FAGGOTS FAGGOTS FAGGOTS FAGGOTS FAGGOTS! Two assholes, both kissing the asses of each other, are now defending each other. It's like a back-to-back case. Now Twilight gets his 20 garbage posts, and I'm still banned by Malachy.

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

LIKE FUCK YOU MALACHY! Seriously, to prove that it was that bad, look at my ring count; it is now ONE (1) ring remaining! Like there was THREE, but it went down by TWO thanks to Mal who decided to be an asshole at me again and give me the longer ban! Therefore only 1 ring remains. I'm pissed at Malachy now. Fuck him. One ring left. JUST ONE RING. That is it, once this ring is gone, then I'm on my own in the BBS with no protection. He just wiped off 2 more rings, which NEVER happened before. Only the ban caused the loss of rings; not the aftermath. Bah whatever, I'm sick of this bullshit. Malachy is now back in my shit list again, for letting a 13 year old faggot spammer out of jail before I do. While Twilight uses his posting privileges, I get the ban message when trying to post.

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

Damn... I feel like I want to throw away this one remaining ring away because I'm THAT pissed. But I can't afford to lose this one, because I already lost 2 in waste. Because of Malachy giving Twilight preferential treatment. What an asskissing faggot. TWO rings, for ASSKISSING. ASSKISSING! ASSKISSING MOTHERFUCKERS! TWO. RINGS. LOST. FOR. A. S. S. K. I. S. S. I. N. G!

Seriously Twilight, get your penis out of Mal's asshole, and grow the fuck up you faggot. As for you Mal, unscrew and get the sand out of your vagina, get your moderating skills/administration skills FUCKING STRAIGHT, and hammer all your stupid opinionated feelings out of it. No preferential treatment, opinions, fanboyism or any of that stupid bullshit. The rules, and ONLY the rules should be taken into consideration. You opinionated assprick.

I think I'm crossing the line here with insults and harassments. Especially with that child pornography example, and shit like that. But notice the time stamp of this scene before making assumptions. Those were my thoughts during that scene. Also, read the entire history before making up assumptions and (illogical) ideas.

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

This, by FAR, is my worst encounter with him. I will NEVER forgive him for this. NEVER. This is complete bullshit, and UNACCEPTABLE. Especially the fact that he banned a 400 post count noob for longer than a 6,000+ post BBS spamming regular fag go free. I smell stenched bullshit now, and I am at the verge of losing this final ring.

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

I just want to go into a super form and roast their sorry asses. BOTH of them. Like I said in the skit, if I were to see Malachy for real and can shoot Chaos Spears, I would Chaos Spear and melt his sorry ass for this bullshit. That's how pissed I am. I will roast it, and thus kill him ultimately. But too bad that's not going to happen. NEVER.

Next time I confront him, I will capture and nail him for GOOD. If not, then I'm history. Time to put this one final ring to the test in the future...

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

It's... almost... over... ...I'm... losing... my... BBS... life... force... and... moti-vation...
Can... I... live... much... longer...? Will... I... lose... this... ...ring... ...too...?

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Picture is obviously relevant. Maybe irrelevant since a stronger picture is needed, but what the fuck: