View Profile NGReviewEater
This account has been abandoned due to some very slow maintenance and upgrades. Go to my new account, KingLightning123, for new updates.

The Newgrounds Review Destroyer @NGReviewEater

Age 30, Male

Eating Reviews


Joined on 7/20/09

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3,290 / 3,600
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- A small brief NG Guide History = 20 posts [Picture] [Part 2]

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 9th, 2010

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~ Scene 9: The Continued Struggle with Malachy ~
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Current Time: April 2nd, 2009
BBS Post Count: 111 (+0)
BBS Rings Count:
85 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 2
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 2

So after letting Part 2 of the guide run for some time, I came across several instances of abusive reviews that I was unsure if I should flag or not. I then went back to the bitchy's thread and asked, but the bitch deleted my posts once more. DAMNIT!

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/99 3518/9

Am I now stuck all by myself trying to uncover this stupid shit myself? Like what the fuck? Well luckily, due to meeting The777Demon in Part 2, and him asking questions, I decided to tell HIM what questions I needed answered and he happily obliged. However, soon, the bitch decided to delete HIS posts along with MINE too. What an asshole. Damnit.

Well fuck this sucks.

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~ Scene 9: Part 3 of the guide! ~
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Current Time: April 3rd, 2009 at 7:46 PM
BBS Post Count: 111 (+0)
BBS Rings Count:
85 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 2
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

So with the frustration Mal gave me, I started to forget my information about abusive reviews. Really, I started losing info on what is abusive and what is not. I had to put it somewhere, but where? I can't put it in Part 2, since that post is going to be cluttered like Part 1 was, and thus become ANOTHER fail post.

I decided to make a news post, and entitled it Part 3, which is now the OFFICIAL abusive review guide. I dumped EVERYTHING I knew about abusive reviews in that post, and posted it to my user page. I also added a link to Part 2, so that those who come here to use Part 2 can use that link to go back 1 post instead of scrambling around to find it.

Title: Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 3: Determining Abusive (Flash) Reviews

The post was very messy, and disorganized. In fact, it was so messy that reading it was a challenge. At the very least, the dumping of the crap to the post cleared out the clutter out of my head. Now my brain is in it's fresh state, READY to learn and acquire more information. Then I can dump it to Part 3, and it keeps going and going.

Meanwhile, Malachy continued deleting my posts on his thread. Fuck THAT ASSHOLE! No matter; with Part 2 and Part 3, Malachy is no longer necessary. If I need information about abusive reviews, I can refer to Part 3 and extract that information from there without that bitch's advice. Unless if I come across a case where I'm not too sure if I should flag it or not, in which I would take a gamble at that thread.

I think from this point on, Parts 2 and 3 of the guide trolled him. Like I got that sensation that Mal was annoyed at Part 2, and now is more annoyed at Part 3. FUCK FUCK FUCK! But if it trolled him, I couldn't give a rats fucking ass about it. It's my user page, and my guide; I will do whatever the fuck I wanted to do. He still probably was annoyed by it, but whatever. He trolled me, so I will troll him.

I also think his hatred against me went up by 10 fold with that guide post. He already despised Part 2 of the guide, but Part 3 of the guide enriches Part 2 of the guide, which probably pissed him off even more. Well I hated him anyway at the same time, so blah it neutralizes each other. Not like I'm bothered by it, except from his stupid bans.

He also probably found out that The777Demon is part of Part 2, and therefore deleted his posts as well in his thread to avoid fueling the fire. Faggot.

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~ Scene 9: Review Answers 2.0 ~
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Current Time: April 5rd, 2009 at 07:46 PM
BBS Post Count: 111 (+0)
BBS Rings Count:
85 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 2
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

Two days later, the first review answers thread by Malachy was locked. I noticed the "Reply & Quote" and "Reply To Post" buttons were grayed out when reading through it (I was bored). Like why the fuck would he do that? Why would he lock his own thread? When I looked at his lock message... SCOFF!!!! He's starting a new review answers thread, Review Answers 2.0. Fuck this.

He made a long-ass post about it, and laid out some sold rules that users must follow or else they will be banned.

Then after that SevenSeize posted right after it. Her post is not there, but this is what she wrote:


And we are with you Mal, bringing this thread the best review answers. (<--- I kind of forgot the 2nd clause of the sentence.)

*sips coffee*

Good first post Mal, here's to a successful review answers thread.


^ Successful review answers thread my ass. The first one sucked, so this one is probably not that better either.

Anyway, I posted in there, (FIRST POST!) and as usual, it got deleted. This is becoming some sort of a fad now, where I post and it gets deleted. I hated him even more, but I took my hatred to Part 2, where it dispersed into the air as I entered Part 2. I had all the available resources I need, especially with Part 3, so my anger vanished.

Short scene, I know, but it's probably good to mention it anyway.

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~ Scene 9: Seriously Mal? You can't take a fucking joke? ~
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Current Time: April 6th, 2009
BBS Post Count: 111
BBS Rings Count: 69 / 100 (-16) (!!)
Number of BBS bans:
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

Well I got angry at Malachy from that review answers thread the next day. He really ticked me off with his ignorance, and him accusing me as a statwhore. BITCH.

So to release my anger, I found this thread in the BBS where the OP asks the mods if they get pissed when they tried to ban a user but found out they got banned.

I posted in there, trying to do that to Mal. Here's a secret I will let in. After all, this IS the History of the Newgrounds Guide, so I have no regret saying this:

I was so bitter and annoyed by Malachy that I had a plan in mind to piss him off. The plan was to get a mod (I chose Alastor) to ban me for 30 days per user request. Before he bans me, I would make a harassing/insulting/flaming post towards Mal somewhere on the BBS, and then IMMEDIATELY request Alastor to ban me. So that when Mal tries to ban me, he can't, since I'm already banned. And since the ban is for 30 days, he probably will forget to ban my ass, and therefore I will have insulted him with no consequence. Well that didn't work apparently...

That plan just landed me with a BBS ban. A threat, that COULD have been a fucking joke, got me banned. Like what if it was REALLY a joke? I mean, if Mal were to ban me for a FUCKING JOKE I made on the FUCKING BBS, then I have no idea what to say to that stupid shit. Oh, the plan failed, for Mal got to me before Alastor did.


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~ BBS Ban #3 ~
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Ends: Saturday, 11th April, 2009
Duration of ban: 5 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: "I'm trying to piss off Malachy BIG TIME by doing that." aww, butthurt much? He's going to be SO pissed now that you're banned. Oh shi- <3 Mal

Administered at: April 6th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 16

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Fuck this bitch actually DID piss me off. In fact, SO pissed that the algebra expression "3x" perfectly describes how much more I hate him than usual. Also, if you notice, the ring count has decreased by 16 rather than 10, which means I REALLY was annoyed by that ban. BY FAR the WORST and MOST OPINIONATED ban I have ever witnessed. Fuck that faggot. And I don't use the word "faggot" back then, so when I say it, I REALLY mean it! Oh, and the offending BBS post was deleted too.

With just 69 rings remaining, and already losing 31 rings in the first 3 bans, that really brings down my view of the BBS. The mods are really abusing their powers all over the place here. Harsh bans. Seriously. Fuck. Well I still have 69 rings left, so with some dumb luck, I will try to manage.

To the Audience: Remember the ring count represents my mood. If it reaches closer to 0, that means I hate the BBS & its mods, and am more furious at it. If it is closer to 100, I love the BBS & it's mods, and don't have anything against them. The ring count is symbolic and foreshadows my next action/feelings, so keep note of it if it goes up and down at times.

Well damn. I guess time to crawl back to my hole in my user page. Time to go and invest more time on Part 2... AGAIN...

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~ Scene 9: Sonic/Zelda Fanboyism Issues? 2 bans next to each other? ~
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Current Time: April 11th, 2009
BBS Post Count: 111 (+0)
BBS Rings Count:
58 / 100 (-11)
Number of BBS bans:
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

Well I got off of that stupid BBS ban. I fucking hated it too. Good topics were missed, because Mal decided to be an asshole enough to ban my ass for one of the most stupid trivial shitty things ever. I was still angry and bitter at him, but whatever; bitching about it is probably going to get me another 7 day ban. Jackass.

(SPOILER) Well now he's going to be a bigger asshole today.

So after getting off of that ban, I went to the video game forum to see anything worth posting in over there. I got fed up with General and Malachy's bullshit. So I fled from General temporarily and went to VG. Since Mal never appeared in the VG forum user base, I thought I would be safe from his wrath and anger.

I found this thread entitled "What You Want - Sonic The Hedgehog" floating around. After reading the OP's post, which was making suggestions on FEATURES that YOU want to see on a SONIC GAME, I posted some shit in there. I posted things I wanted to see in there, and (I think) replied to some users' posts.

Later after 30 minutes, some hot-shot VG regular decided to troll me by replying to my post. I then posted a reply to his stupid post. He then replied to my post. It was a tight situation, since I am at the verge of losing the argument. Then I brought in and mentioned shithead Mario into the conversation, which turned the tide around. I used and insulted Mario, Zelda (<--- this is really important, so remember that) and the English Language definition of an "opinion" to crush whatever the fuck he is saying (he used opinionated phrases like "it's a fun game" or "everyone loves jumping around collecting things" and I used solid undeniable facts against his invalid opinions). Oh, keep in mind that he was attacking Sonic and defending Mario/Zelda, whereas I was attacking Mario/Zelda, and defending Sonic. That is ANOTHER key role to this. So that conversation went on.

Soon it reaches the point where I am really close to crushing his ass, and end this argument for good. I would have crushed him, and the thread would continue like it was intended to be.

That didn't go too well. RIGHT when I was about to put the final finish to this nonsense HE started, this came:

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~ BBS Ban #4 ~
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Ends: Monday, 13th April, 2009
Duration of ban: 2 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: Please don't troll looking for a fight in the video game forum (bashing game companies, popular games just to get a rise out of people, etc) ~Mal

Administered at: April 11th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 11

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Note the date it was administered at. Do you see it? YES it was the VERY same day I got off from that other bullshit ban. So I got off a ban, and IMMEDIATELY had another ban right after it. What luck.

This ban took the piss. Not as much as the other ban, but it really pissed me off once again. Now it seems like this rivalry since I met Malachy is spreading throughout the BBS on all forums, but never mind that.

Why am I pissed? Is it because I'm butthurt about losing when defending Sonic? Kind of. I also wasn't trolling according to the BBS rules, but that depend on how you interpret it I guess. Anyway, notice the post Mal made upon banning me, and the post RIGHT below it.

He banned a 131 post count noob, and LET a 2,800 post count REGULAR get away free! Like what the fuck is with that? How come I got banned for knowing nothing, and he got away for knowing better? Like we both committed the same offense, so why did I just get the blow? Oh, and ALL of my recent posts of the day were deleted. EVEN those that didn't break the rules were deleted, so my post count fell back to 111 once again!

Does Mal REALLY hate me THAT MUCH as to ban a NOOB and let a REGULAR get away? Like what the fuck is wrong with you you prick?

Then, something came to my eye. Something's fishy going on here:

I put all the sequences together. Like for example, how my opponent began trolling me and how I got banned for him starting it was irrational. Set that aside however. Now it was an argument about Sonic The Hedgehog. Well that was obvious, so that's also out of the way. Now in the actual discussion, Mario and Zelda got involved somehow. This is where I got suspicious. Then I took the position of defending Sonic and attacking Mario/Zelda, while he took the position of attacking Sonic and defending Mario/Zelda. Huh, I think I'm getting somewhere. Then RIGHT before I nail this down, Malachy pops out of nowhere (like *POOF* he already appeared) and bans me, but doesn't ban the other user.

Now by putting all these puzzle pieces together, I came up with 2 conclusions:

- Malachy hates me a lot
- Malachy is a Nintendo fanboy and a Sonic hater

The first one is rather obvious, as I portrayed my reasons throughout this entire history post.

The 2nd one is not-so-obvious. Like let's put our thinking caps on. If the other user defends Nintendo and attacks Sonic, YET he didn't get banned by Mal for starting the shit-fest, doesn't that ring a bell? And that I got banned for defending Sonic and attacking Nintendo... doesn't that ring a louder bell? Yeah I think this makes sense, although this is an atrocious conclusion.

So this was by PURE fucking fanboyism that Mal banned me because I insulted his favorite video game series. I don't have much evidence though. I DO have evidence that he's a Nintendo fanboy (Zelda fanboy to be specific) right here (scroll to the bottom to "Games"), but the claim that he's a Sonic hater is still an undefined claim. I couldn't find proof in there. The ban is not really substantial reliable evidence, as it purely could be that I insulted the Zelda franchise, and that the Sonic franchise or Sonic himself wasn't even in Mal's mind when administering that ban.

Either way, I SOLELY think that was an opinionated ban, which also ripped the inside trust I had of him out of me. A 2 day opinionated ban, and the assface who REALLY started it got away with a happy face, whereas I got the angry faic. 2 bans consecutively in a row, like I mentioned earlier. By the same god damn asshole moderator.

If it were that BOTH of us got banned from posting, then I wouldn't have bought up this ridiculous assumption. I REALLY would believe that I was trolling, and take Mal's ban message to heart. But I was the only one who got banned. I didn't even think I was trolling; I just had a discussion with a user. What a prick Malachy is, who masked up his fanboyism with a quick excuse. And he wiped out the posts too, so that no evidence can be taken against him to prove that that ban was instant fanboyism. Asshole.


I wrote a play/skit about my annoying rivalry with Mal. (I destroyed it and used this History post as a replacement so don't bother finding it.) I used the user Shadic93 and myself as characters to explain each scene. This section I have derived from it really explains this nonsense pretty well:

SMBS: And to top it off, he deleted EVERY SINGLE RECENT post I had made. So my post count went down from 131 to 111. No scratch that, the finishing part is when he left the other asshole who started the whole argument unbanned. And he had a HIGHER post count than I did! WTF? You're banning a 131 post noob and leaving a 2,800+ post count regular go free?

Shadic93: Well that sucks.

SMBS: Indeed. I think that was an opinionated ban.

Shadic93: How so? You can't really claim something without solid proof.

SMBS: He also made me look like an ass, with this post.

SMBS: Let us not talk like fools, shall we? I don't make outrageous claims without proof.

Shadic93: Then spill the proof, you stupid shit.

SMBS: Okay, so here's what happened: I went into this thread and posted. Then one hot shot regular decided to be a smartass and replied it, with a trolling remark or something. I decided to reply back. Then he replied. Then somehow shit head Mario got involved in the conversation. I was defending Sonic and attacking Mario, whereas the other guy was attacking Sonic and defending Mario. I was about to crush his ass once and pin it down forever, but then came the ban message. Wow. That ban tells me he's a Nintendo fanboy. Fucking opinionated assprick.

Shadic93: Give me proof that Malachy is a Nintendo fanboy-

SMBS: *interrupts Shadic* Done. Scroll to the very bottom.

Shadic93: Pffft, it looks like you're right...

I don't need to explain this stupid shit even further. It's that stupid. Too bad it only sliced off 11 rings from my ring count, but that shit still sucks nevertheless. The ring count is depleting really rapidly; it's kind of scary (and I mean REALLY scary!) when I think about it. Only 58 rings?


Well that's a lot of ranting for a stupid 2 day ban I got, so I will end it here before I derail this news post even further. I was more furious than ever with Mal, and the future events will portray that. He filled me with rage and bitterness, so I had no fun on the BBS since he always got me good. I wasn't filled with entertainment and a good time; I was filled with the need of harassment/flaming/insulting other users and anger/bitterness by him.


</long-ass butthurt rant before it gets worse>

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~ Scene 9: Bandwagon time. ~
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Current Time: April 14th, 2009 at 4 PM
BBS Post Count: 137
BBS Rings Count: 53 / 100 (-5)
Number of BBS bans:
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

Well after that ban, I posted a bit more on the BBS. FINALLY I got some posts in, and they weren't deleted. However, things went to the shittier soon.

I found this thread, where Mal was being treated like shit all over the place. It was kind of funny to a degree (since I was frustrated by him, and he is now being frustrated), and I see Mal having a frustrating time. Then, being a 14 year old faggot I was back then, I jumped on the "Malachy sux" bandwagon as well. I quoted other mods, and insulted him even further. All that shit he did to me forced me to post that post. If he didn't do that shit, then I would have no reason to post in that thread. I would be insulting someone I don't know of, which is pretty pointless. Anyway...

I posted there and jumped on the bandwagon, only to get shot by the chest by the injured Malachy that was beaten on the ground:

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~ BBS Ban #5 ~
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Ends: Saturday, 18th April, 2009
Duration of ban: 4 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: straight from the BBS rules here: 1. Chasing / harassing / flaming other users, regardless of who instigated it. 2. Insulting or harassing the moderators or administrators. 3. Trolling: cruising the boards looking for a figh 4.Lurk first, post second. Read the entirety of every thread you post in before you post. in the thread Do mods respect each other? [http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 049887]. You seemed to have missed the point of the mods posting in the thread and instead decided to troll Me. If you've got a problem, there's a PM system. threats, complaints, insults and ect. are unwarranted. Ban length reflects the fact that you just got off a ban for trolling. Stop breaking the rules pl0x ~Mal

Administered at: April 14th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 5

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A ONE DAY GAP between the previous trolling ban in that Sonic thread and for THIS trolling ban. What a bitch.

Well I admit it was my fault. I should have controlled myself from jumping on the bandwagon constantly, but he made me do it indirectly. Him stalking me around the BBS and constantly checking my post history really took the piss.

Hence that is why I lost only 5 rings rather than 10+ or whatever, since I'm part to blame. But like I said, it would be utterly pointless to jump on the bandwagon if I didn't know Malachy in the first place, so I still partly blame him. He filled me with bitterness and anger, and now I flame that firepower right back at his face. Now he redirected it back at me, by using that BBS ban as a reflector to reflect the flamethrower and redirect the flame. Ouch. -5 rings for damage.

What an asshole. As I write this history post and reread that ban message, the last sentence in his ban message made me angry. "Stop breaking the rules pl0x ~Mal" made me remind of something; my departure from the BBS. Well now he should fucking change that sentence to "Stop posting to the BBS pl0x ~Mal" next time he bans me, because that prick got his wish granted. "Stop posting to the BBS pl0x ~Mal" is true, since I never posted to the BBS after some time. Wish granted Malachy; now fucking enjoy it as you will NEVER see my posts again.

Anyway, moving along...

NOTE: History post is continued to Part 3. See Guide Navigation below for link.

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Picture obviously relevant: