And how to use the mods' laziness to delete and ban shit to your advantage.
I know the mods aren't going to clean up this bullshit, but whatever. I'm not going to bother contacting any of them, for I know I'll get a bullshit reply such as "I'll mod it when I feel like it" or no reply and no administration at all. Let's see what happens, but I know I'm right. To see if I'm right, go to the BBS search bar, select "Author" instead of "Topic", enter the poster's user name (user name listed in picture), and search within posts made in 3/16/10 for the +1 post.
Not like Newgrounds gives a fucking shit if you "feel like you want to mod it". You do the fucking work if you have to do when given to you, or resign your fucking useless position as a moderator. Ignorant jackasses. A flagging system will definitely discipline these lazy fat ass pricks like how the review moderators are disciplined (or else they would be in a fucking mess like the BBS mods are).
Wade needs to spank some of the moderators and get them TO FOCUS. Shit slips through the cracks 3 out of 5 times, and honestly, those that do slip never get trashed at the long run.
Also half of this guy's BBS posts deserve to be destroyed.
To the serious users, yes these posts below are indeed against the rules for they promote bandwagon jumping, +1 spam, no conversation value, name calling/insults, and, to a degree, backseat modding.
Also, I bet the moderators are going to play with me and immediately delete this crap to make me look like an ass.