View Profile NGReviewEater
This account has been abandoned due to some very slow maintenance and upgrades. Go to my new account, KingLightning123, for new updates.

The Newgrounds Review Destroyer @NGReviewEater

Age 30, Male

Eating Reviews


Joined on 7/20/09

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3,290 / 3,600
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NGReviewEater's News

Posted by NGReviewEater - May 15th, 2010

Tomorrow, on May 16th, 2010, this account will undergo a blank posting spree just like SuperMarioBrosS is undergoing.

The account will first spit out 100 news posts for UStream, and after that will spit out 1,000 news posts to finish off the TL;DR Newgrounds Guide.

So make sure to go here:


...to find the latest news post.

The Newgrounds Guide Chat is always available, so make sure to sign up and chat if you can.

Posted by NGReviewEater - May 14th, 2010

Now PMs can be sent to either:

http://www.newgrounds.com/pm/send/supe rmariobross (DISK SPACE OPEN: 58%)


http://www.newgrounds.com/pm/send/ngre vieweater (DISK SPACE OPEN: 26%)

Your choice. I suggest PMing SMBS since I'm most often on there for the blank posts, but NGRE (this) fits the bill too.

Posted by NGReviewEater - May 14th, 2010

Posted by NGReviewEater - May 13th, 2010

PM box for SMBS is ready for clearing anytime soon.

This may be the last time I will see this for awhile:

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/54 071a302a5f4ac1b3e28a3edb117d4a

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/79 36387181ef1bfaed787d04ede559cb

Posted by NGReviewEater - May 2nd, 2010

So here is what's going on here:

School work is getting heavy, so I have to spend MORE time on school work so that I can barely maintain that all-A streak I got.

However that's not too bad. The biggest pain in the ass is Newgrounds. It's even more annoying than school.

There is a problem with the screenshot archive of the NG Guide. 70% of it is located on my laptop, but 30% of it is located on my school's network drive. Now it may not seem so bad since the screenshot archive section is like 6 years away, but it really is. Last year I stuffed 10 GB worth of Sonic soundtracks in my personal network drive (that had a 20 MB limit) and got my ass kicked by the school administrators. Now I am flooding a public drive (it has unlimited, but since the disk space amount went down a lot the admins may get suspicious), with the 30% of the screenshot archive.

Each day I leave paranoid thinking "FUCK I hope they don't delete my files". However I need to keep it there for here the computer could go like anytime at home, so it's a double edged sword.

Along with that I have the NG Guide to do, more archiving of NG, responding to the abuse post, ARCHIVING MY PM INBOX FOR SUPERMARIOBROSS, and of course school work.

To make sure I can get all this done, I won't be active on NG. I will only make blank posts (aka PGPs/THNGs/ashjdsfbhdgkfd) on NG, but that's as far as I will go on Newgrounds.

There is the Newgrounds Guide chat http://www.ustream.tv/channel/newgroun ds-guide-chat and I may drop by RARELY in there (so that I don't get side-tracked) so don't expect that to be a source to talk too. All PMs will be on hold until I get around replying to them, unless if it's something totally urgent. As for the NG Guide chat, if deathofghosts goes on and crazily abuses his mod powers, immediately comment on this post or PM me.

So this may be the last post on NGReviewEater for May... MAYBE...

EDIT 5/3/10 7:54 PM:

A snapshot of the file size of the NG Screenshot Archive (on my laptop; the 70% part):

I will reply to comments tomorrow, because I have a huge fucking Biology test tomorrow and there is absolutely no telling what is going to be in it, so I got to spend every fucking second studying or else I can guarantee an F on the test. So OFF I go to study after I post this picture:

Won't be on as much

Posted by NGReviewEater - May 2nd, 2010

So today my fucking computer has completely crashed. Like it wouldn't even fucking open. It would turn on, make some noise, and then shut down.


So my dad came over and completely restored it. However, EVERY FUCKING FILE I HAD IS GONE!!!!!!!

So that means a large part of the NG Guide has been destroyed, thanks to mal/spyware and viruses by some faggots.


At least the good thing is the hard drive is no longer clogged, and the computer runs at lightning speed. However the cons outweigh the pros.


For the love of god, BACK UP EVERY SINGLE FILE YOU HAVE IN CASE STUPID SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS!!! Trust me I did NOT see that coming. Early this morning everything ran fine and suddenly this shit happens.

Posted by NGReviewEater - May 1st, 2010

This picture explains itself.

Having 930 people posting on the previous day is uncommon, but 893???? And on Pico Day??? WTF???

Holy shit lowest BBS posters count

Posted by NGReviewEater - April 30th, 2010

Happy Pico day everybody and happy birthday Tom!

Posted by NGReviewEater - April 25th, 2010

And I'm not kidding either.

If you find anything amazing or marvelous or extraordinary in the NG Guide, that feature originated there.

This is the place where The Newgrounds Guide's greatest ideas originate from

Posted by NGReviewEater - April 24th, 2010


That is it. The NGSuperMarioBS@aol.com email is not usually used, so don't bother emailing that for I won't check it.

Hatemail, NG help, advice, attachments, spam or other miscellaneous stuff should be sent in there. ONLY SEND MESSAGES THERE IF THE PM INBOX STRIKES FULL. (Unless you are sending an attachment that can't be put in Dumping Grounds.) And if you want to validate yourself beforehand so that I will know who you are when you email that account (if you ever think you will email me) then send me a PM with said email.

Ok that's all. Again, send there IF YOU CANNOT SEND A PM TO EITHER ACCOUNT, or if you have an attachment you want to send that can't be uploaded to Dumping Grounds.

Failure to attempt to send a PM to either account before emailing may result in a delayed/missed response. And trust me I do check both account's inboxes on NG, and if one is full I will check the other AND the email.