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View Profile NGReviewEater
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    This account has been abandoned due to some very slow maintenance and upgrades. Go to my new account, KingLightning123, for new updates.

    The Newgrounds Review Destroyer @NGReviewEater

    Age 30, Male

    Eating Reviews


    Joined on 7/20/09

    Exp Points:
    3,290 / 3,600
    Exp Rank:
    Vote Power:
    5.97 votes
    Global Rank:
    B/P Bonus:

    NGReviewEater's News

    Posted by NGReviewEater - March 2nd, 2010

    And I don't know how I am going to figure out the answers, or if I am ever going to find out the answer, but what the fuck listing them couldn't hurt:

    1. Why did I even start the NG Guide?

    2. Why do I even put up with this miserable workload?

    3. Why am I not like the average user on the site? Who posts, watches flashes, be a jackass, etc?

    4. What did I do where everything went wrong?

    5. Why is it that everyday I view the BBS I hate it even more than the previous day?

    6. Will I ever drop this negative view of the BBS?

    7. Why was meeting Mal in his review answers thread the biggest mistake I ever made?

    8. Why was going to the BBS the most fatal mistake on Newgrounds?

    9. Why do I get more bullshit than any other typical user?

    10. Would I be better off if I was like the average user?

    11. Is the strong refusal to leave a post on the BBS a good idea, or a bad idea? Would I have still been better off if I continued posting? (Even if it was just a little?) Or did I make the good choice of not at all posting?

    12. Most importantly, why do I still come here despite all this crap?

    By the end of 2010 I hope to have answered these critical questions.

    Posted by NGReviewEater - March 2nd, 2010


    Posted by NGReviewEater - March 2nd, 2010

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Complete List of NG Administrators ~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    The Newgrounds Staff/Administrators Team

    These guys run the site. If you see any problem with the site (such as stolen material, error messages, etc), contact one of these guys and they'll fix it or answer any questions you have.

    Keep in mind that the admins are REALLY busy and normally take awhile to respond.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    ~ TomFulp ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ Email ~
    Real Name: Tom Fulp

    Tom Fulp is the founder and King of the Newgrounds Kingdom. Programmer of uber-cool Flash games, and co-owner of the video game company 'The Behemoth'. Additionally, Tom is very handsome.

    ~ WadeFulp ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ Email ~
    Real Name: Wade Fulp

    Tom's brother, Wade, is in charge of handling numerous administrative tasks, both on and off-site. Wade is also a key figure in handling user-based issues and any problems with the site, so contact Wade if you need help with anything!

    ~ Stamper ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~
    Real Name: Will Stamper

    When not playing Street Fighter, Will Stamper is playing other ancient 2-D fighting games and wasting the company's time AND money. If Tom wasn't such a swell guy, he'd have been fired long ago. Stamper is constantly wishing for death.

    ~ JohnnyUtah ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~
    Real Name: Jeff Bandelin

    Hired as an artist and illustrator for NG, you can see Jeff Bandelin's artwork splashed around most of the site. Jeff is most known for the popular Tank Men series and the well-received K-Fed: Dancing with Fire.

    ~ MindChamber ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ AIM ~
    Real Name: Jose Ortiz

    Long-time NG member Jose Ortiz was originally lifted to take over every visual aspect of Tom's Pico universe, and continues to pump out original Flash games, movies, and hot artwork and concepts for the team.

    ~ Liljim ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ Email ~ AIM ~
    Real Name: Jim

    Based out of the UK, Jim works closely with Rob and Josh to program all of NG's database and dynamic features and breathe life into all the nonsensical ideas users and staff members have for the site. GO JIM!

    ~ Tim ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ Website ~
    Real Name: Tim Miller

    Tim Miller is the NG systems engineer, meaning he manages the servers and keeps the site running! Additionally, Tim spends a great deal of time on the phone, screaming at vendors for their incompetence.

    ~ Bob ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ AIM ~ Website ~
    Real Name: Bob Rudderow

    Bob Rudderow toils daily to ensure Newgrounds is properly optimized, compliant, and runs at the at blazing speeds for everyone, thanks to his super-amazing CSSery. If the Internet was pancakes, consider Bob to be the syrup AND butter.

    ~ Mike ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~
    Real Name: Mike Welsh

    A more recent addition to the staff, Mike Welsh was picked up as a full time game programmer. Mike also heads up various projects that require technical skills far surpassing those of his ignorant co-wokers. He must feel VERY special.

    ~ PsychoGoldfish ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ AIM ~
    Real Name: Josh Tuttle

    Longtime NG fan and contributor Josh Tuttle has officially been lifted by NG to single-handedly undertake a wide variety of snazzy and helpful developer features - and maybe undertake a few bottles of Scotch, as well!

    ~ Rob ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ Website ~
    Real Name: Rob Rosenbaum

    Rob Rosenbaum (or 'Double R', as some of us never call him) is the newest addition to the NG staff, taking Ross' place as our in-house programmer o' wicked user features! Don't let his beautiful lips fool you, he means business!

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Complete list of past Administrators ~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Some people have lost their administrator position and became users. Here's a list of them:

    ~ Ross ~ PM ~ News ~ Flash ~ Audio ~ Art ~ Favorites ~ Reviews ~ Website ~
    Real Name: Ross

    Note: Ross was replaced by Rob recently. Ross also helped Tom Fulp create Newgrounds as well.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Fake Administrators ~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    There are a bunch of fake staff members the NG admins have hidden. These "members" can be discovered if you hit the "random" button and accidentally discover them.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    You may also be interested in:

    [Admin Powers]
    [Site Mods]
    [Demodded Mods]

    Related Posts:

    [Site Mods]
    [Demodded Mods]
    [Admin Powers]
    [Mod Powers]
    [User Powers]

    Guide Navigation:

    (Navigational Panes)

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ The Administrators' Level Icons ~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    The Newgrounds administrators' level icons. Even if they level up, the icon doesn't change. From left to right:

    Tom Fulp, Wade Fulp, Stamper, JohnnyUtah, MindChamber, liljim, Tim, Bob, Mike, PsychoGoldfish, Rob and Ross.

    Posted by NGReviewEater - March 2nd, 2010

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ BBS/Forum Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    BBS = Bulletin Board System = Forums

    The BBS (forum) moderators enforce the BBS rules and police the BBS, and they can lock/unlock (close/reopen) threads, delete threads, destroy threads*, delete BBS posts, delete pictures in BBS posts, delete signature text or picture or both, and ban users anywhere from 1 to 30 days from posting to the BBS. While a user is banned from the forums (BBS) by a moderator it is only affecting his/her BBS posting privileges; the rest of NG is still accessible.

    * A special tool the moderators have that when clicked on, it deletes the thread and bans all the users who posted in it.

    ~ 36Holla ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ absent ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Afro-Ninja ~ (Icon Mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ aviewaskewed ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BananaBreadMuffin ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BlackmarketKraig ~ (Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BlueHippo ~ (Review & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Carmilla ~ (Icon mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Coop83 ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ DirtySyko ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Dobio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Evark ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ EyeLovePoozy ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ idle ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ jarrydn ~ (Audio mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Joe ~ (Audio & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ JohnnyUtah (Art mod & Staff member) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Jonas ~ (Review, Audio & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ JoS ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Kid ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Kirk-Cocaine ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ knugen ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Luis ~ (Art mod & Staff member) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Malachy ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ mamatequila ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ MindChamber ~ (Art mod & Staff member) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ NegativeONE ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ NEVR ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ poxpower ~ (Audio & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ RageVI ~ (Review, Audio & Icon mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ ReNaeNae ~ (Review & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Rig ~ (Audio mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Rucklo ~ (Audio mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ SardonicSamurai ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ SevenSeize ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Stamper ~ (Art mod & Staff member)Send a PM ~
    ~ STEM ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ TheShrike ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Timmy ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Tri-Nitro-Toluene ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ TurkeyOnAStick ~ (Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ UltraBear ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Zendra ~ (Kartoffels) ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Zerok ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Review Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    The review moderators enforce the review guidelines and judge reviews flagged as abusive by users, and they can delete the review, clear the flags of the review with/without penalty (thus also indirectly controlling the whistles of the user base), or ban users from reviewing anywhere from 2-30 days or permanent.

    ~ 36Holla ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ absent ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ AllReligiousDrunk ~ (Audio mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ aviewaskewed ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BlueHippo ~ (Review/Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Canas ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Coop83 ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ deckheadtottie ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Evark ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ idle ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Jonas ~ (BBS, Audio & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ kidray76 ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ life ~ (Icon mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Malachy ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ NEVR ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ RageVI ~ (BBS, Audio & Icon mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ ReNaeNae ~ (BBS & Art mod) Send a PM ~
    ~ Seamonky ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ SevenSeize ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ tigerkitty ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ WavyGravy ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Wylo ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Zendra ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Audio Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    The Audio Moderators handle new first submissions submitted from new artists, and they can approve the submission and allow it to enter into the portal, or permanently ban the artist from submitting audio again.

    ~ AllReligiousDrunk ~ (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ B0UNC3 ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Bad-Man-Incorporated ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ DarKsidE555 ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ EchozAurora ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ jarrydn ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Joe ~ (BBS & Icon mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Jonas ~ (BBS & Review & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Khuskan ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ LJCoffee ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Mrmilkcarton ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Nav ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ poxpower ~ (BBS & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ RageVI ~ (BBS, Review & Icon mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Rig ~ (BBS mod) ~Send a PM ~
    ~ Rucklo ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ SBB ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ TMM43 ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Art Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    The Art Moderators moderate the Art Portal and enforce the Art Portal rules, and they can delete art submissions, classify/unclassify art as pucblic or private, unscout users (they cannot scout without being scouted), revoke scouting privileges (castration) of scouted users, and ban users from submitting art.

    ~ BlackmarketKraig ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BlueHippo ~ (Review & BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BoMToons ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Captain-Ben ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ deadspread83 ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ JohnnyUtah ~ (BBS mod & Staff member) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Jonas ~ (BBS, Review & Art mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Luis ~ (BBS mod & Staff member) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ MindChamber ~ (BBS mod & Staff member) ~ (Send a PM ~
    ~ ornery ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ poxpower ~ (BBS & Audio mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ ReNaeNae ~ (BBS & Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Stamper ~ (BBS mod & Staff member) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ sucho ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ TurkeyOnAStick ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Icon Moderators ~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    The Icon Moderators view icons submitted from the icon helpers page, and can either approve the icon or delete them.

    ~ Afro-Ninja ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ altr ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Blounty ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Carmilla ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Egoraptor ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Joe ~ (BBS & Audio mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ life ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ NegativeONE ~ (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ RageVI ~ (BBS, Audio & Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ All-around Moderators ~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    These moderators (they are actually site administrators) have all the power the forum (BBS), audio, art, review and icon moderators do, and also have the moderation tools to police the flash and audio portals; the sections nobody else has control over. Along with having more power than the moderators regarding ban lengths and deletion of old material, revoking moderation powers from the moderators/granting them to users, and terminating (deleting) users' accounts. Plus, they can lift any ban by any moderator, and can set a BBS, Review or Art ban for as long as they want.

    [Complete Staff Members List]

    ~ Tom Fulp ~ Send a PM ~ Email ~
    ~ Wade Fulp ~ Send a PM ~ Email ~
    ~ James (liljim) ~ Send a PM ~ Email ~
    ~ Josh (PsychoGoldfish) ~ Send a PM ~ Website ~
    ~ Bob ~ Send a PM ~ Website
    ~ Tim ~ Send a PM ~ Website ~
    ~ Mike ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Rob ~ Send a PM ~ Website ~

    Ross (N/A)

    Posted by NGReviewEater - March 2nd, 2010




    </hyper asshole mode>


    Here is a list of all the ex-moderators throughout NG History. Name changes are listed in parenthesis () and if a mod did more than 1 job in the moderation department that job will be italitized. For example:

    <insert example crap>

    If a mod resigned his/her powers for one section, but still has power in another section, then this is how it will look like:

    And so on and so forth. This post is here to retain memories of the old moderators. It is possible to contact the ex-mods for site questions (since they had moderating experience) but it is better to contact the current moderators <link>here</link>.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Ex-Review Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    ~ ADT - ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Antiganondworf (Spy) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ bigbadron - BBS, ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ CaptainBob - BBS, Audio, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Davidzx - BBS, Audio, Icon (+Art?) (a joke, for 4 minutes) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ FIGMENTUM - BBS, ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Inuyasha (Kisuke) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Jercurpac - BBS ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ macdeth - ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Maus - BBS, Audio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Ramagi - BBS, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Sanjay (Osamarama) - BBS, ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ ShitonaStick - BBS, ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Stormwarden - BBS, ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Uberbarista - BBS, Audio, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ wtf-kurdt ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Ex-BBS/Forum Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    ~ Alastor ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ AntiTanner (TannerCenterwall) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ bigbadron , Review ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BobbyJenkins ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BRS ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Canas (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ CaptainBob Audio, Review, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Captain-Jack (Nephthys) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ DanMalo -, Audio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ DanPaladin ~ (Site Affiliate) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ DarkArchon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Davidzx Review, Audio, Icon (+Art?) (as a joke, for 4 minutes) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Denvish Audio, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ DrLavaGoddess ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Dry-Ice ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Enoll ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ EveningShift ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ FDA ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ FIGMENTUM , Review ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Freakapotimus ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ FUNKbrs ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ gfoxcook ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Gooch , Audio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ HAQnSPITT ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ HuIk ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ JadeTheAssassin , Art ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Jercurpac - Review ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ jmtb02 ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ jonthomson ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ KaynSlamdyke ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ keldor3353 (one day only) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ life (for 20 minutes) (Review mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Maus -, Review, Audio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ mightypotato - ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Newgrundling -(FAQ mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ olskoo ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Ozcar ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Proteas ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Rabid-Echidna -~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Ramagi , Review, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ RedCircle ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ RedDakota (was Wade's alt) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Sanjay (Osamarama) , Review ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Sarai ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Saturday ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ ShitonaStick , Review ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Shrapnel ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Slightly-Crazy-Dude ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Snayk ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ StarCleaver ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ StephanosGnomon (SteveGuzzi) (StealthSteve) - Audio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Stormwarden -, Review ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ TBF -, Audio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ TedEaston -~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Terminator (Undercover) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Transformer (was another mod's alt) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Tremour ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Uberbarista , Review, Audio, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ VeryProudOfYa ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Ex-Audio Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    ~ B0UNC3 ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ BadBit - Audio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ CaptainBob - BBS, Review, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ DanMalo - BBS,~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Davidzx - BBS, Review, Icon (+Art?) (as a joke, for 4 minutes) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Denvish - BBS, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Dobio - (BBS mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ DodgerOfZion -~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Gooch - BBS,~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Karco -~ Send a PM ~
    ~ MaestroRage ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Maus - BBS, Review~ Send a PM ~
    ~ ParagonX9 -~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Revenant -~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Recoil -~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Remisser - ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ StephanosGnomon (SteveGuzzi) (StealthSteve) - BBS~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Sorohanro - Audiov ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ TBF - BBS, Audio ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Uberbarista - BBS, Review, Audio, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ WritersBlock - Audio ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Ex-Art Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    ~ Davidzx - BBS, Review, Audio, Icon (+Art?) (as a joke, for 4 minutes) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Egoraptor - Art (Icon mod) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ JadeTheAssassin - BBS, Art ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Ex-Icon Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    ~ Bendo - Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ CaptainBob - BBS, Audio, Review, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ cHunter - Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Davidzx - BBS, Review, Audio, Icon (+Art?) (a joke for 4 minutes) ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Denvish - BBS, Audio, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Ramagi - BBS, Review, Icon ~ Send a PM ~
    ~ Uberbarista - BBS, Review, Audio, Icon ~ Send a PM ~

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    ~ Ex=FAQ Moderators~
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    ~ Newgrundling - BBS (FAQ mod) ~ Send a PM ~

    Posted by NGReviewEater - March 1st, 2010

    As a lot of the NG community realize, this account (which I own) is undergoing a news post rampage where I have to make from 30,000 to 67,000 news posts. By the way, if you see fsjdfsdjf as a news post in there, it's because I'm using an iPhone and typing crap is hard.

    Well now this one is also going to undergo a rampage like that. Except I will give a warning right now.

    This one will begin tomorrow where I will post blank posts like crazy. I hope to prepare 20-50 news posts (I didn't decide yet) here, so that I can write up some parts of the NG guide here. That's right, I'll be using those news posts to store parts of the NG Guide.

    So be warned. Two accounts will go in a news post spamming spree. This one will stop at 50 (at most), and the other will stop in 10 years.

    News Post Rampage Warning

    Posted by NGReviewEater - February 27th, 2010

    [New Abusive Review Crew Revolution]

    A new record!


    0 bytes left on Dumping Grounds

    Posted by NGReviewEater - February 21st, 2010

    Lately many section of NG have been overfilling with crap and gibberish and blatant spam. I've been spending a lot of my time making blank posts, and also observed a lot of sections of NG. And to be honest I'm not too happy of what I'm seeing. Stolen/abusive shit in the Flash Portal slip through the cracks a majority of the time. Award stealing with faggots spewing 10/10 reviews for utter shit occurs and leads to no Underdog or Review Crew Pick. The Audio Portal is in horrible condition with stolen/racist/abusive tracks, and a lot of samples stolen from the original track. The Art Portal takes a long time to get stolen/abusive art cleared out. The BBS is now over-pouring with too much +1 gibberish smartass/asshole posts and bullshit topics that needs to be deleted. Abusive reviews are now being shat out at high rates in which a good majority are being missed. Worst of all, the moderators are being too slow or inefficient to handle all this horse shit, and/or are not active [enough] to take care of this crap. Some of which just sit there doing absolutely nothing, or let everything slide.

    It is now time for us (the abusive review crew) to reduce the amount of abusive crap on Newgrounds and turn the image of this site around. I feel pretty fired up right now to go fucking rampant and insane in the flash portal, flagging anywhere from 100 to 200 reviews in 30 minutes. The Flash Portal now needs to be monitored more carefully so that anything that breaks the rules can be immediately flagged and pulled out of the portal. We need mass-whistling on abusive reviews to get that shit cleared out. We need MASSIVE PM FIRING to the lazy-as-shit BBS moderators to get off their asses and delete all the crap that is plastered by the shitty user base. Be it 50 PMs to 4 moderators regarding 2 abusive threads, we got to fucking do it or else their lazy fat ass won't comply. I don't care if this means hurting users that the majority of the user base loves, I don't care if it means getting a bunch of users in trouble, I don't care if I'm going to get a lot of flaming from butthurt users; all abuse WILL BE FLAGGED AND TERMINATED WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED AND NO SECOND THOUGHTS CONSIDERED. That's right we're going to fight all-out.

    Our main targets of abuse on Newgrounds are abusive reviews, abusive flashes, and abusive BBS posts (not BBS threads yet since that's a little more difficult). For the BBS the targets are abusive posts ONLY. The General forum and Video Game forum is what we're going to try to improve and clean up (although we will also look into other forums from time to time). Again, it's not posting to the forums that's going to improve it, but rather wipe out the abuse. The crew can post to the thread if they wish, but it's not mandatory for our job to be done. This is going to be tedious as hell, and there are times where we want to just stop doing this job; but if you really are dedicated like I am to improving this site, then start fighting the resistance and start (or make an attempt to) cleaning up this goddamn place.

    When you accumulate a lot of abuse, go to the abusive review post (now is going to be called "The Newgrounds Abuse Killing Post") and post links to all that abusive shit in there. The flash portal, massive clearing of abusive reviews, and the NG BBS are what we are trying to clean up and improve. See you there.

    Improve in this case doesn't mean posting good posts on the BBS and engaging the thread/user base, or submitting great flashes to the flash portal or submitting long reviews. That's not enough to brighten the image of the site, or improve a section of the site (especially the BBS). Improve means to clear out existing abuse on Newgrounds, and improving the image that way with assholes kicked out. Regardless of what the moderators say about this task or how many users whine or how much work this is, this fucking job is still going to get done, and be done PROPERLY. I could care less about what the moderators say, and even less about what (butthurt) users say. It's time for me to go way fucking overboard on Newgrounds than ever before, cross my limits, go fucking batshit insane, and start being an abuse-hungry monster that is NEVER satisfied of its meal. This can mean flagging 200 reviews a day, posting 20 blank posts, reporting 100 BBS posts a day, and blamming a lot of submissions. It's time to start a revolution against abuse, and make a huge, noticeable, positive impact on Newgrounds. And no matter how much discouraging shit the moderators say against us or how many butthurt users are pissed at us, that shall not let us slow down, but rather drive us to capture even more abuse and throw it to where it belongs: in the trash can to hell.

    Overdrive is now 155% Full

    Posted by NGReviewEater - February 13th, 2010

    GTFO (Get the fuck out) of my Newgrounds Guide!

    Discuss this weird-ass glitch. Also, open discussion post.

    Totally Relevant picture.

    Irrelevant picture:

    Hey! You!

    Posted by NGReviewEater - January 23rd, 2010

    Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? 10 years from now?

    Criteria: 2 sentences minimum per question

    It can be from internet-life or real-life.

    You don't need to get too personal into your real-life. This is not an attempt to fish out information about you, but rather for you to think critically about your life and future. If you can't think of where you see yourself in those years, estimate what you would be doing/what you would have (children, wife/husband, etc.)