View Profile NGReviewEater
This account has been abandoned due to some very slow maintenance and upgrades. Go to my new account, KingLightning123, for new updates.

The Newgrounds Review Destroyer @NGReviewEater

Age 30, Male

Eating Reviews


Joined on 7/20/09

Exp Points:
3,290 / 3,600
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NGReviewEater's News

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 9th, 2010

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~ Scene 9: The Continued Struggle with Malachy ~
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Current Time: April 2nd, 2009
BBS Post Count: 111 (+0)
BBS Rings Count:
85 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 2
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 2

So after letting Part 2 of the guide run for some time, I came across several instances of abusive reviews that I was unsure if I should flag or not. I then went back to the bitchy's thread and asked, but the bitch deleted my posts once more. DAMNIT!

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/99 3518/9

Am I now stuck all by myself trying to uncover this stupid shit myself? Like what the fuck? Well luckily, due to meeting The777Demon in Part 2, and him asking questions, I decided to tell HIM what questions I needed answered and he happily obliged. However, soon, the bitch decided to delete HIS posts along with MINE too. What an asshole. Damnit.

Well fuck this sucks.

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~ Scene 9: Part 3 of the guide! ~
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Current Time: April 3rd, 2009 at 7:46 PM
BBS Post Count: 111 (+0)
BBS Rings Count:
85 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 2
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

So with the frustration Mal gave me, I started to forget my information about abusive reviews. Really, I started losing info on what is abusive and what is not. I had to put it somewhere, but where? I can't put it in Part 2, since that post is going to be cluttered like Part 1 was, and thus become ANOTHER fail post.

I decided to make a news post, and entitled it Part 3, which is now the OFFICIAL abusive review guide. I dumped EVERYTHING I knew about abusive reviews in that post, and posted it to my user page. I also added a link to Part 2, so that those who come here to use Part 2 can use that link to go back 1 post instead of scrambling around to find it.

Title: Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 3: Determining Abusive (Flash) Reviews

The post was very messy, and disorganized. In fact, it was so messy that reading it was a challenge. At the very least, the dumping of the crap to the post cleared out the clutter out of my head. Now my brain is in it's fresh state, READY to learn and acquire more information. Then I can dump it to Part 3, and it keeps going and going.

Meanwhile, Malachy continued deleting my posts on his thread. Fuck THAT ASSHOLE! No matter; with Part 2 and Part 3, Malachy is no longer necessary. If I need information about abusive reviews, I can refer to Part 3 and extract that information from there without that bitch's advice. Unless if I come across a case where I'm not too sure if I should flag it or not, in which I would take a gamble at that thread.

I think from this point on, Parts 2 and 3 of the guide trolled him. Like I got that sensation that Mal was annoyed at Part 2, and now is more annoyed at Part 3. FUCK FUCK FUCK! But if it trolled him, I couldn't give a rats fucking ass about it. It's my user page, and my guide; I will do whatever the fuck I wanted to do. He still probably was annoyed by it, but whatever. He trolled me, so I will troll him.

I also think his hatred against me went up by 10 fold with that guide post. He already despised Part 2 of the guide, but Part 3 of the guide enriches Part 2 of the guide, which probably pissed him off even more. Well I hated him anyway at the same time, so blah it neutralizes each other. Not like I'm bothered by it, except from his stupid bans.

He also probably found out that The777Demon is part of Part 2, and therefore deleted his posts as well in his thread to avoid fueling the fire. Faggot.

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~ Scene 9: Review Answers 2.0 ~
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Current Time: April 5rd, 2009 at 07:46 PM
BBS Post Count: 111 (+0)
BBS Rings Count:
85 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 2
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

Two days later, the first review answers thread by Malachy was locked. I noticed the "Reply & Quote" and "Reply To Post" buttons were grayed out when reading through it (I was bored). Like why the fuck would he do that? Why would he lock his own thread? When I looked at his lock message... SCOFF!!!! He's starting a new review answers thread, Review Answers 2.0. Fuck this.

He made a long-ass post about it, and laid out some sold rules that users must follow or else they will be banned.

Then after that SevenSeize posted right after it. Her post is not there, but this is what she wrote:


And we are with you Mal, bringing this thread the best review answers. (<--- I kind of forgot the 2nd clause of the sentence.)

*sips coffee*

Good first post Mal, here's to a successful review answers thread.


^ Successful review answers thread my ass. The first one sucked, so this one is probably not that better either.

Anyway, I posted in there, (FIRST POST!) and as usual, it got deleted. This is becoming some sort of a fad now, where I post and it gets deleted. I hated him even more, but I took my hatred to Part 2, where it dispersed into the air as I entered Part 2. I had all the available resources I need, especially with Part 3, so my anger vanished.

Short scene, I know, but it's probably good to mention it anyway.

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~ Scene 9: Seriously Mal? You can't take a fucking joke? ~
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Current Time: April 6th, 2009
BBS Post Count: 111
BBS Rings Count: 69 / 100 (-16) (!!)
Number of BBS bans:
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

Well I got angry at Malachy from that review answers thread the next day. He really ticked me off with his ignorance, and him accusing me as a statwhore. BITCH.

So to release my anger, I found this thread in the BBS where the OP asks the mods if they get pissed when they tried to ban a user but found out they got banned.

I posted in there, trying to do that to Mal. Here's a secret I will let in. After all, this IS the History of the Newgrounds Guide, so I have no regret saying this:

I was so bitter and annoyed by Malachy that I had a plan in mind to piss him off. The plan was to get a mod (I chose Alastor) to ban me for 30 days per user request. Before he bans me, I would make a harassing/insulting/flaming post towards Mal somewhere on the BBS, and then IMMEDIATELY request Alastor to ban me. So that when Mal tries to ban me, he can't, since I'm already banned. And since the ban is for 30 days, he probably will forget to ban my ass, and therefore I will have insulted him with no consequence. Well that didn't work apparently...

That plan just landed me with a BBS ban. A threat, that COULD have been a fucking joke, got me banned. Like what if it was REALLY a joke? I mean, if Mal were to ban me for a FUCKING JOKE I made on the FUCKING BBS, then I have no idea what to say to that stupid shit. Oh, the plan failed, for Mal got to me before Alastor did.


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~ BBS Ban #3 ~
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Ends: Saturday, 11th April, 2009
Duration of ban: 5 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: "I'm trying to piss off Malachy BIG TIME by doing that." aww, butthurt much? He's going to be SO pissed now that you're banned. Oh shi- <3 Mal

Administered at: April 6th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 16

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Fuck this bitch actually DID piss me off. In fact, SO pissed that the algebra expression "3x" perfectly describes how much more I hate him than usual. Also, if you notice, the ring count has decreased by 16 rather than 10, which means I REALLY was annoyed by that ban. BY FAR the WORST and MOST OPINIONATED ban I have ever witnessed. Fuck that faggot. And I don't use the word "faggot" back then, so when I say it, I REALLY mean it! Oh, and the offending BBS post was deleted too.

With just 69 rings remaining, and already losing 31 rings in the first 3 bans, that really brings down my view of the BBS. The mods are really abusing their powers all over the place here. Harsh bans. Seriously. Fuck. Well I still have 69 rings left, so with some dumb luck, I will try to manage.

To the Audience: Remember the ring count represents my mood. If it reaches closer to 0, that means I hate the BBS & its mods, and am more furious at it. If it is closer to 100, I love the BBS & it's mods, and don't have anything against them. The ring count is symbolic and foreshadows my next action/feelings, so keep note of it if it goes up and down at times.

Well damn. I guess time to crawl back to my hole in my user page. Time to go and invest more time on Part 2... AGAIN...

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~ Scene 9: Sonic/Zelda Fanboyism Issues? 2 bans next to each other? ~
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Current Time: April 11th, 2009
BBS Post Count: 111 (+0)
BBS Rings Count:
58 / 100 (-11)
Number of BBS bans:
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

Well I got off of that stupid BBS ban. I fucking hated it too. Good topics were missed, because Mal decided to be an asshole enough to ban my ass for one of the most stupid trivial shitty things ever. I was still angry and bitter at him, but whatever; bitching about it is probably going to get me another 7 day ban. Jackass.

(SPOILER) Well now he's going to be a bigger asshole today.

So after getting off of that ban, I went to the video game forum to see anything worth posting in over there. I got fed up with General and Malachy's bullshit. So I fled from General temporarily and went to VG. Since Mal never appeared in the VG forum user base, I thought I would be safe from his wrath and anger.

I found this thread entitled "What You Want - Sonic The Hedgehog" floating around. After reading the OP's post, which was making suggestions on FEATURES that YOU want to see on a SONIC GAME, I posted some shit in there. I posted things I wanted to see in there, and (I think) replied to some users' posts.

Later after 30 minutes, some hot-shot VG regular decided to troll me by replying to my post. I then posted a reply to his stupid post. He then replied to my post. It was a tight situation, since I am at the verge of losing the argument. Then I brought in and mentioned shithead Mario into the conversation, which turned the tide around. I used and insulted Mario, Zelda (<--- this is really important, so remember that) and the English Language definition of an "opinion" to crush whatever the fuck he is saying (he used opinionated phrases like "it's a fun game" or "everyone loves jumping around collecting things" and I used solid undeniable facts against his invalid opinions). Oh, keep in mind that he was attacking Sonic and defending Mario/Zelda, whereas I was attacking Mario/Zelda, and defending Sonic. That is ANOTHER key role to this. So that conversation went on.

Soon it reaches the point where I am really close to crushing his ass, and end this argument for good. I would have crushed him, and the thread would continue like it was intended to be.

That didn't go too well. RIGHT when I was about to put the final finish to this nonsense HE started, this came:

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~ BBS Ban #4 ~
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Ends: Monday, 13th April, 2009
Duration of ban: 2 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: Please don't troll looking for a fight in the video game forum (bashing game companies, popular games just to get a rise out of people, etc) ~Mal

Administered at: April 11th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 11

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Note the date it was administered at. Do you see it? YES it was the VERY same day I got off from that other bullshit ban. So I got off a ban, and IMMEDIATELY had another ban right after it. What luck.

This ban took the piss. Not as much as the other ban, but it really pissed me off once again. Now it seems like this rivalry since I met Malachy is spreading throughout the BBS on all forums, but never mind that.

Why am I pissed? Is it because I'm butthurt about losing when defending Sonic? Kind of. I also wasn't trolling according to the BBS rules, but that depend on how you interpret it I guess. Anyway, notice the post Mal made upon banning me, and the post RIGHT below it.

He banned a 131 post count noob, and LET a 2,800 post count REGULAR get away free! Like what the fuck is with that? How come I got banned for knowing nothing, and he got away for knowing better? Like we both committed the same offense, so why did I just get the blow? Oh, and ALL of my recent posts of the day were deleted. EVEN those that didn't break the rules were deleted, so my post count fell back to 111 once again!

Does Mal REALLY hate me THAT MUCH as to ban a NOOB and let a REGULAR get away? Like what the fuck is wrong with you you prick?

Then, something came to my eye. Something's fishy going on here:

I put all the sequences together. Like for example, how my opponent began trolling me and how I got banned for him starting it was irrational. Set that aside however. Now it was an argument about Sonic The Hedgehog. Well that was obvious, so that's also out of the way. Now in the actual discussion, Mario and Zelda got involved somehow. This is where I got suspicious. Then I took the position of defending Sonic and attacking Mario/Zelda, while he took the position of attacking Sonic and defending Mario/Zelda. Huh, I think I'm getting somewhere. Then RIGHT before I nail this down, Malachy pops out of nowhere (like *POOF* he already appeared) and bans me, but doesn't ban the other user.

Now by putting all these puzzle pieces together, I came up with 2 conclusions:

- Malachy hates me a lot
- Malachy is a Nintendo fanboy and a Sonic hater

The first one is rather obvious, as I portrayed my reasons throughout this entire history post.

The 2nd one is not-so-obvious. Like let's put our thinking caps on. If the other user defends Nintendo and attacks Sonic, YET he didn't get banned by Mal for starting the shit-fest, doesn't that ring a bell? And that I got banned for defending Sonic and attacking Nintendo... doesn't that ring a louder bell? Yeah I think this makes sense, although this is an atrocious conclusion.

So this was by PURE fucking fanboyism that Mal banned me because I insulted his favorite video game series. I don't have much evidence though. I DO have evidence that he's a Nintendo fanboy (Zelda fanboy to be specific) right here (scroll to the bottom to "Games"), but the claim that he's a Sonic hater is still an undefined claim. I couldn't find proof in there. The ban is not really substantial reliable evidence, as it purely could be that I insulted the Zelda franchise, and that the Sonic franchise or Sonic himself wasn't even in Mal's mind when administering that ban.

Either way, I SOLELY think that was an opinionated ban, which also ripped the inside trust I had of him out of me. A 2 day opinionated ban, and the assface who REALLY started it got away with a happy face, whereas I got the angry faic. 2 bans consecutively in a row, like I mentioned earlier. By the same god damn asshole moderator.

If it were that BOTH of us got banned from posting, then I wouldn't have bought up this ridiculous assumption. I REALLY would believe that I was trolling, and take Mal's ban message to heart. But I was the only one who got banned. I didn't even think I was trolling; I just had a discussion with a user. What a prick Malachy is, who masked up his fanboyism with a quick excuse. And he wiped out the posts too, so that no evidence can be taken against him to prove that that ban was instant fanboyism. Asshole.


I wrote a play/skit about my annoying rivalry with Mal. (I destroyed it and used this History post as a replacement so don't bother finding it.) I used the user Shadic93 and myself as characters to explain each scene. This section I have derived from it really explains this nonsense pretty well:

SMBS: And to top it off, he deleted EVERY SINGLE RECENT post I had made. So my post count went down from 131 to 111. No scratch that, the finishing part is when he left the other asshole who started the whole argument unbanned. And he had a HIGHER post count than I did! WTF? You're banning a 131 post noob and leaving a 2,800+ post count regular go free?

Shadic93: Well that sucks.

SMBS: Indeed. I think that was an opinionated ban.

Shadic93: How so? You can't really claim something without solid proof.

SMBS: He also made me look like an ass, with this post.

SMBS: Let us not talk like fools, shall we? I don't make outrageous claims without proof.

Shadic93: Then spill the proof, you stupid shit.

SMBS: Okay, so here's what happened: I went into this thread and posted. Then one hot shot regular decided to be a smartass and replied it, with a trolling remark or something. I decided to reply back. Then he replied. Then somehow shit head Mario got involved in the conversation. I was defending Sonic and attacking Mario, whereas the other guy was attacking Sonic and defending Mario. I was about to crush his ass once and pin it down forever, but then came the ban message. Wow. That ban tells me he's a Nintendo fanboy. Fucking opinionated assprick.

Shadic93: Give me proof that Malachy is a Nintendo fanboy-

SMBS: *interrupts Shadic* Done. Scroll to the very bottom.

Shadic93: Pffft, it looks like you're right...

I don't need to explain this stupid shit even further. It's that stupid. Too bad it only sliced off 11 rings from my ring count, but that shit still sucks nevertheless. The ring count is depleting really rapidly; it's kind of scary (and I mean REALLY scary!) when I think about it. Only 58 rings?


Well that's a lot of ranting for a stupid 2 day ban I got, so I will end it here before I derail this news post even further. I was more furious than ever with Mal, and the future events will portray that. He filled me with rage and bitterness, so I had no fun on the BBS since he always got me good. I wasn't filled with entertainment and a good time; I was filled with the need of harassment/flaming/insulting other users and anger/bitterness by him.


</long-ass butthurt rant before it gets worse>

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~ Scene 9: Bandwagon time. ~
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Current Time: April 14th, 2009 at 4 PM
BBS Post Count: 137
BBS Rings Count: 53 / 100 (-5)
Number of BBS bans:
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

Well after that ban, I posted a bit more on the BBS. FINALLY I got some posts in, and they weren't deleted. However, things went to the shittier soon.

I found this thread, where Mal was being treated like shit all over the place. It was kind of funny to a degree (since I was frustrated by him, and he is now being frustrated), and I see Mal having a frustrating time. Then, being a 14 year old faggot I was back then, I jumped on the "Malachy sux" bandwagon as well. I quoted other mods, and insulted him even further. All that shit he did to me forced me to post that post. If he didn't do that shit, then I would have no reason to post in that thread. I would be insulting someone I don't know of, which is pretty pointless. Anyway...

I posted there and jumped on the bandwagon, only to get shot by the chest by the injured Malachy that was beaten on the ground:

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~ BBS Ban #5 ~
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Ends: Saturday, 18th April, 2009
Duration of ban: 4 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: straight from the BBS rules here: 1. Chasing / harassing / flaming other users, regardless of who instigated it. 2. Insulting or harassing the moderators or administrators. 3. Trolling: cruising the boards looking for a figh 4.Lurk first, post second. Read the entirety of every thread you post in before you post. in the thread Do mods respect each other? [http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 049887]. You seemed to have missed the point of the mods posting in the thread and instead decided to troll Me. If you've got a problem, there's a PM system. threats, complaints, insults and ect. are unwarranted. Ban length reflects the fact that you just got off a ban for trolling. Stop breaking the rules pl0x ~Mal

Administered at: April 14th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 5

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A ONE DAY GAP between the previous trolling ban in that Sonic thread and for THIS trolling ban. What a bitch.

Well I admit it was my fault. I should have controlled myself from jumping on the bandwagon constantly, but he made me do it indirectly. Him stalking me around the BBS and constantly checking my post history really took the piss.

Hence that is why I lost only 5 rings rather than 10+ or whatever, since I'm part to blame. But like I said, it would be utterly pointless to jump on the bandwagon if I didn't know Malachy in the first place, so I still partly blame him. He filled me with bitterness and anger, and now I flame that firepower right back at his face. Now he redirected it back at me, by using that BBS ban as a reflector to reflect the flamethrower and redirect the flame. Ouch. -5 rings for damage.

What an asshole. As I write this history post and reread that ban message, the last sentence in his ban message made me angry. "Stop breaking the rules pl0x ~Mal" made me remind of something; my departure from the BBS. Well now he should fucking change that sentence to "Stop posting to the BBS pl0x ~Mal" next time he bans me, because that prick got his wish granted. "Stop posting to the BBS pl0x ~Mal" is true, since I never posted to the BBS after some time. Wish granted Malachy; now fucking enjoy it as you will NEVER see my posts again.

Anyway, moving along...

NOTE: History post is continued to Part 3. See Guide Navigation below for link.

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Guide Navigation:

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Picture obviously relevant:

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 8th, 2010

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Guide Navigation:

[<<<<<<<<<< Back To History of NG Guide Part 2 <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Next To History of NG Guide Part 4 >>>>>>>>>>]
[>>>>>>>>>> Admins/Mods/Ex-Mods >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Site Moderation <<<<<<<<<<]
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[>>>>>>>>>> Back To Guide Index >>>>>>>>>>]

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~ Scene 9: Constant BBS Backseat Modding ~
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Current Time: April 19th, 2009 at 9:00 PM
BBS Post Count: 202
BBS Rings Count: 48 / 100 (-5)
Number of BBS bans:
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

So after getting off of that bandwagon ban, I went and posted in several threads. Especially in the video game forums, where I found another Sonic thread, and YET AGAIN got stuck in ANOTHER heated fight.

This is where shit gets really embarrassing, but again, it's the history post, so...

More bitching and whining and arguing that Sonic is awesome/sucks, and blah blah blah. When I got in, I was an easy target and got trolled. I used the same tactics I used during that same scene where I got that fanboyish ban from Malachy. However, to prevent assface Malachy from *POOF* appearing out of nowhere and banning me from the BBS for his fanboyism, I made a disclaimer to not reply to my post, in order to prevent my ass and their asses from being banned.

Yes blatant backseat modding, although a bit vague at the same time.

The purpose was to end the fire, AND to protect myself from the mods. But it didn't work, as people continued prolonging it. Then I backseat modded EVEN MORE to prevent people from prolonging it. Mistake mistake mistake. I still didn't get banned, but whatever. Those fags still prolonged it, as they can see I was facing frustration.

Eventually I just left the thread without replying to any of the faggots in there, and went to General. However, that Sonic thread fueled me with backseat modding thoughts such as "Do this, and then request lock" or "Please use the search bar" or "Reply to this post and be banned for trolling". I took that (unwanted) bullshit to the General forum, and (I think) backseat modded at least 2-4 more times. Wow, a day full of backseat modding and STILL I didn't get banned...

I spoke too soon:

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~ BBS Ban #6 ~
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Ends: Wednesday, 22nd April, 2009
Duration of ban: 3 days
Administered by: SevenSeize
Reason for ban: Backseat modding in almost every thread you post in. Stop acting like you're better than any other user. You can help your fellow NG users without coming off as pretentious and condescending. So work on that. <3 7Cs

Administered at: April 19th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 5

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YET AGAIN ANOTHER 1 DAY FUCKING GAP BETWEEN THE TWO BANS! I am noticing a pattern on the BBS now: post to the BBS, get banned, post again to the BBS, get banned, post to the BBS, get banned and it keeps going and going until I get CREAMED from frustration. More on that later.

Well, again, like that bandwagon ban described in the previous scene, I admit my mistake. In fact, for ONCE, I am thankful that a mod (SevenSeize) got to me and banned me, because I would be backseat modding in other threads without knowing that I was indeed backseat modding. She stopped the fire before my posting habits turned to the shittier (pointing out shit that needs to be moderated into every post I make).

Good ban. The BEST ban (along with the first one by Zerok) I have received on the BBS. Received at the CORRECT time, AND for the CORRECT length too. The rest of the bans I received were irrational or bullshit or opinionated.

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~ Scene 9: First 30 day ban from my rival Malachy ~
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Current Time: May 1st, 2009 at 9:20 PM
BBS Post Count: 272
BBS Rings Count: 8 / 100 (-40)
Number of BBS bans:
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 3

As my BBS post count increases, my BBS ring count, which is a very important and powerful number, decreases rapidly. Also, take note of the huge damage the ring count has sustained.

Okay, how do I start this? Well I was constantly posting and posting on the BBS so much that I was nearing 300 posts. I didn't get banned for awhile; I think it was about 23 days I didn't get banned. I kept posting and posting on the BBS endlessly. I think I made about 5 posts per day, which is better than some whores out there that post anywhere from 10-30 posts A FUCKING day.

It was fun posting to the BBS, as there were good topics, and that Mal was out of my face FOR ONCE. Also, as a safety precaution to protect my posting privileges, I LEFT the BBS when Malachy appeared on the user base, and came back the next day when he wasn't on. I did that so that he won't see any of my recent posts, and won't ban me for nothing. That worked for awhile, until I became more careless and careless as days went on with me unbanned. I posted while Malachy was even on, which was risky. The threads there still were good, although I did have to face some faggots and assholes.

Anyway, that 23 day unbanned record was eventually broken. I found this thread which reminded me of Malachy and his bans. I eventually made a stupid post in there, which was a bandwagon/thread-derailing-like post. Okay, trolling to make it simple I suppose, but it KIND OF added to the contribution. Still a shitty mistake, but whatever. Once I post something to the BBS, I can't do anything to take back what I posted/said.

Alright, that aside, Mal miraculously replied to that stupid (trolling) post. Read his post; it's quite funny actually. What a fucking idiot. He even said that he doesn't know who I am, despite banning me ALMOST EVERY FUCKING DAY.

You know what? Fuck him. Why? Because I EXPECTED a BBS ban from him, to add more proof and evidence against him on that he's following me on the BBS. That way, after gleaning enough evidence from him, I can take my complaints to Wade, where he has the power to end this once and for all and find a solution to this. The solution doesn't necessarily mean to demod Mal, since he did catch me correctly at times. Rather, the solution is to stop Mal's opinionated bans and bullshit.

I should have taken it to Wade earlier. I should have PM'd him explaining the situation. That way, I wouldn't be in this pickle that I was after June 2009. But I didn't, so I will have to face the consequence of taking this path.

Well I wanted the ban, so I posted a reply in there. Immediately, 10 minutes after posting the reply, the post disappeared. Haha, that's what I expected from a fucking coward like him.

Then out of pure curiousity, I had hit the "New Topic" button only to find this message waiting for me:

A surprise immediate slap on the face, I must say. Most notably, look at the "Number of Rings Lost" count:

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~ BBS Ban #7 ~
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Ends: Sunday, 31st May, 2009
Duration of ban: 30 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: since you apparently expected this, don't troll mods. it's bad news. PM me with your issues and we'll discuss this in the PM system. Until then, you're not posting because you apparently can't take your issues up in the appropriate way. ~Mal

Administered at: May 1st, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 40 <--

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BITCH SLAP. Obvious bitch-slap is so fucking obvious by a loss of 40 rings.

I got REAL furious on the inside now. PM him? Is this some type of a fucking trap? Do I PM him or not? This question haunted me as I reread the ban message. If I PM him, he probably will put up a bunch of bullshit lies in my face in order to hide the fact that he's an opinionated prick. BUT if I NEVER PM him, I will probably never get my posting privileges back, and will NEVER post to the BBS again. It's a BBS exile that I can't break without (1) PMing Malachy, or (2) reporting this to Wade. Option #2 is out of the way, as he will tell me to PM Mal, or not at all respond. So that leaves me with Option #1 to break this exile; an option that I'm unwilling to take.

Well shove all those options up your ass Malachy, because I am NOT taking either of them. I'm going to stay away from the BBS, and live with the ban. Let him increase it up to 30 days as much as he wants, and let him have his fun doing so (let him enjoy the feeling of taking away someone's posting privileges) because I am through with him and his bullshit. My BBS posting privileges are in his hands now, but on the flip side, I have no reason to go to the BBS with no posting privileges, and therefore I have nothing distracting me.

Well as I write this, I haven't posted to the BBS for AWHILE. So even if he has this ban in place, I wouldn't give a fucking rats ass about it, since I hate the BBS now. The phrase "Until then, you're not posting" should now change to "You are never posting again" because the second statement makes more sense than the first. That 2nd phrase makes a lot of sense, believe it or not, and I will show you why as the future scenes reveal themselves.

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~ Scene 9: Part 4 was born ~
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Current Time: May 3rd, 2009 at 9:05 AM
BBS Post Count: 272
BBS Rings Count: 8 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 7
Remaining Ban Length: 28 days
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 4

Well I still had that large-ass BBS ban by Malachy. Somebody bitch slap me please. *Bitch slap* GEEZ THANKS A LOT ASSHOLE! Every time I mention the name "Malachy" or "MALforPresident", somebody should bitch slap me for saying that dirty and cursed name. *Bitch slap* OW! *Bitch slap* ARGH! What the fuck was that for? Saying "Malachy" and "MALforPresident"? *Bitch slap* OW! *Bitch slap* FUCK YOU!

Never mind that though. While on that 30 day exile, I worked on Part 2 a bit and updated Part 3. Then I made Part 4. Part 4 was a guide on how to make good reviews reviews (although it doesn't earn you any whistle points). I kind of got bored of having just 3 parts, and I wanted more ideas, so I went that far. That did cross the boundaries (kind of) since you don't earn any whistle points, but by writing good reviews, you eliminate your chances from writing an abusive review.

So I made Part 4. However, I had no fucking idea on what to put on it. I don't know tactics on how to write a good review. One would say "Look in your own reviews" but that's not enough. My reviews are SHITE and I need to write better reviews. I had set high standards, but the puzzling part is that I have no idea what the fuck those standards were/are (oxymoron my ass).

Title: Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 4: How to write a good, solid, (non-abusive) review

That was the OLD Part 4. The new and current one is the index page for the Guide Topic "The History of Newgrounds".

So I left that as an "under construction" post, and went back to Part 2 & 3. I at least said to myself "At least you got an idea; that's the hard part. Elaborating it is the easy part."

Short scene, I know, but I figure we needed a short scene after these long butthurt ranting scenes regarding the BBS.

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~ Scene 9: FORCED Resolution Time ~
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Current Time: May 5th, 2009 (Approximately)
BBS Post Count:
BBS Rings Count: 8 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 7
Remaining Ban Length: 25 days
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 4

This is where scenes get more confusing, so the story can get fuzzy/shaky and unclear. Bear with me though, and be thankful I actually can recall them rather than fully jumping over them. I am using my PM inbox, news posts, and BBS bans in order to pinpoint the time the scene happened, and time-stamp each scene appropriately. Plus each scene is going to be shorter (for most of them anyway) like maybe 2 paragraphs per scene.

So I made Part 4, and then a few days later I decided to be a butthurt whiny bitch (wait, aren't I being a butthurt whiny bitch right as I write this post?). I posted a news post ranting about my 30 day ban, calling Malachy a faggot, asshole, jackass, etc. I did leave that post up for awhile, and just got 5 comments from a single user that discussed about ban lengths and shit.

Then later at around 7 PM EDT, Malachy commented (aw shit) with just simply posting my ban history in his comment. The bans he posted are the ones I have shown in this part and the past 2 parts of this history post. I can't remember what happened after that (remember that I never meant to remember this, so shit's getting fuzzy), but immediately we started discussing the issues, confusions and crap on that post. In fact, he addressed shit with 1 comment per day, which made it take so long.

To speed up progress, I ripped off his last comment, put it into a PM, accordingly quoted everything, wrote up my response and sent it to him. I think that was at 5/9/09.

Current Time: May 10th, 2009 at 12:48 AM
BBS Post Count: 272
BBS Rings Count: 8 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 7
Remaining Ban Length: 10 days (-15) (<-- Wow)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 4

Then he replied at 05/10/09 at 12:48 AM once again. After that, I sent him a message apologizing, and BAM it all was pinned to the ground at 5:17 PM at the very same day (5/10/09).

And to prove that it had been ended...

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~ BBS Ban #7 ~
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Ends: Monday, 11th May, 2009
Duration of ban: 10 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: since you apparently expected this, don't troll mods. it's bad news. PM me with your issues and we'll discuss this in the PM system. Until then, you're not posting because you apparently can't take your issues up in the appropriate way. Edit: Ban reduced after resolution in PM system. ~Mal

Administered at: May 1st, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 40
Number of Rings Regained: 30 (<---)
BBS Rings Net Gain/Loss:

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BBS Rings Count: 43 / 100 (+35)
Remaining Ban Length:
1 day (-9)

WOOHOO the ban is almost dead! AW YEAH! And the better part is, +35 rings to my count! Now to try and prevent that number from from going down again.

So yeah, it's a -5 due to the inconvenience of the ban. Why did I get back up 35? Because the ban was shorter than expected, AND this shit has been solved!

Haha... haha... haha... haha... yeah...

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~ Scene 9: Part 5 of the guide ~
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Current Time: May 16th, 2009 at 8:20 PM
BBS Post Count: 321 (+49)
BBS Rings Count:
43 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 7
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 5

So after getting off from that devastating ban, I went and posted more and more on the BBS. It has been (I think) 5 days since that ban ended. I posted 49 shitty BBS posts over the period of 5 days; that's almost 10 posts per day. I tried not to make my posts spammy, and wasn't boosting my post count nor whoring for attention like this faggot and this whore. But 10 posts a day? I think I was becoming more and more of a BBS regular, although I was a weird and random one that always got banned.

Anyway, I was updating Parts 1, 2 and 3 (leave out Part 4) so much that I decided to make a Part 5. Part 5 wasn't really a guide post; it was just a post where I will put up news about the guide. Examples are editing of the posts, new guide posts, new rules, etc. The only flaw is that if I make a Part 6, I will have to jump over that post, or change that post into a guide post or something.

Title: Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 5: News about the Guide

That was the OLD Part 5. The new Part 5 is now a guide on how to write a good solid non-abusive flash review. Yeah that was supposed to be Part 4, but I changed Part 4 into something else. What I changed Part 4 to will be told later.

So that was that. The post didn't attract much traffic however.

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~ Scene 9: Part 6 & I GOT A DEITY WHISTLE!!! ~
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Current Time: May 19th, 2009 at 8:20 PM
BBS Post Count: 356 (+35)
BBS Rings Count:
43 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 7
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 6

Wow seriously, I'm like posting like 10 BBS posts per day. Actually, to be precise, almost 12 posts per day. I think I can call myself a BBS regular at this point, despite having a low post count. My posting rate still is increasing, my post count is increasing, although my posting habits didn't really improve (it stayed stable). There still were good topics scattered around in there, and good conversation. I noticed and up and down in topic quality, as there are still a lot of topics about masturbation, hot/sexy girls, sex, rape, getting a girlfriend and that stupid perverted shit.

BBS regular my shitting ass.

Anyway, today is a very special day. For one, it is one of my IRL friend's birthday. For two, Part 6 was born. And finally, I GOT A DEITY WHISTLE!!!

Sweet! I finally reached the ultimate whistle! I thank Part 2 and its participants for that. It would have took a much longer time without them. I started with bronze on 3/26/09, and ended with deity on 5/19/09. That's ALMOST 2 months! From my count, I have flagged 800 reviews in order to get the deity whistle (estimation). I started with bronze, so make that number 850. I could get bronze in just one day if I had a guide ready for me (ie. someone else made a guide, and I followed it) so still, two months it took. Also, I disabled Part 2 during some times, since I wasn't able to moderate it and/or it was inactive. So it would have taken less than 2 months if I constantly flagged. But no, I was side-tracked to the BBS for the most part.

Despite getting the deity whistle, I'm still going to flag abusive reviews. Like I have grown a passion to be rid of abuse, and I'm going to put my deity whistle to good use, unlike the other faggot statwhores out there that stop flagging and focus on their Review/BBS/Blam & Save counts. This should tell that prick Malachy that I'm not a fucking statwhore. I never was and never will be. His assumption that I was a statwhore pissed me off really bad, and now I will PROVE at HIS FUCKING FACE that I am NOT a statwhore. And that I will never stop flagging reviews after deity. Fuck that idiot that tried to discourage me with a fucking stereotype.

Anyway, while I got the deity whistle, I ALSO made a Part 6 of the guide. Wow I can see this guide having the potential to grow bigger and bigger in the future.

Part 6 was my reaction to Malachy in his review answers thread. It was a place where users can ask flagging questions, and I will answer their questions. Since Mal gave me the SHITE treatment in his thread, I figure that others won't have any more luck as I did. So I made that news post, explained the guidelines of posting in there, and lo and behold; Part 6 was made!

Title: Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 6: Review Flagging Questions

That was the old Part 6. The new one is an index page of all the important events that happened in NG History. This part is part of the guide topic "The History of Newgrounds".

The purpose of Part 6 was to redirect flagging questions from Part 2 and Part 3 to Part 6. Part 6 was also an amplifier to Parts 2 & 3, as new information could enrich Part 3 & increase a large amount of reviews reported to Part 2.

Unfortunately, nobody commented there. It stayed as 0 comments for a long time. I think they ignored that post and went to Mal's thread for the answers. Well let them suit themselves.

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~ Scene 9: Malachy Discourages me from flagging reviews ~
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Current Time: May 22th, 2009 at 12:52 AM (+3
BBS Post Count:
364 (+8)
BBS Rings Count:
43 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 7
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 6

Well one day I reported some review abuse to Malachy. He told me to just flag the hell out of them. Then I told him that bringing it to the mods' attention will wipe them off faster. He said that there's no difference in speed or whatever. He said that anything that can be deleted by flagging should be flagged, but I insisted, and it went down to the shittier.

Despite not really willing to give out PMs by Mal (I thought of keeping those private, since it's private business), I have to spill this one, as it annoyed the hell out of me:

We don't want you to make your blog. It was pretty clear when the abusive review thread was locked that we didn't want people emulating it in their blogs. It doesn't help us at all. In fact, judging by your last thread you made, I am afraid that you may very well abuse the system and cause us more headaches than you're worth. I would highly suggest you drop the whole idea and find something else to do. You really aren't going to help us any more than if you flag reviews on your own. It won't get reviews deleted any sooner. Obviously abusive reviews are what we really want deleted. We dont need 10+ people flagging something for it to be deleted. We only need a handful. And if it really does merit deletion, it will get there on it's own without you or your blog.

That bitch. Seriously, he tried to stop me from flagging abusive reviews! Like what type of a fucking review moderator is he? Like his he mental?

Why would be do shit like this? Why would he want to discourage me from flagging reviews?

That son of a bitch asshole. I'll get him good now.

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~ Scene 9: BANNED from the BBS *Sigh* ~
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Current Time: May 24th, 2009 (+5)
BBS Post Count:
412 (+56)
BBS Rings Count:
38 / 100 (-5)
Number of BBS bans:
8 (+1)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 6

Wow I am now increasing the number of posts I am posting to the BBS. 5 days passed, and 56 posts have been posted. Now my post rate is 11 posts per day, which is like... wow... that is a LOT! At this rate I'm going to be like this fag
and be posting on almost every damn topic for the sole purpose of posting.

Anyway, I got banned once again. 13 day later I got banned. Funny, because I remembered that I couldn't survive 2 days on the BBS without receiving another ban after the previous before Mal's 30 day ban. It's kind of funny actually. Speaking of Malachy...

Now I think something's wrong. I think Malachy is holding back his fire against me, and then when time goes on and is right, he's going to UNLEASH all his bullets at me. He's probably trying to deceive me into thinking that we did solve our issues, when he really wants to ignite more trouble and get a reason to kick my ass out of HIS BBS. Well whatever. I'll enjoy the NG BBS before he fires whatever the fuck he is trying to holding back (a rapid fire of long ass opinionated bans I bet). At least I'm sure I'm still on his shit list, when he's not on mine.

Anyway, the ban I got was an embarrassing ban. Why? Read this:

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~ BBS Ban #8 ~
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Ends: Wednesday, 27th May, 2009
Duration of ban: 3 days
Administered by: Zerok
Reason for ban: Backseat modding in http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 63321 - Zerok

Administered at: May 24th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 5

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And YET I get ANOTHER FUCKING Backseat modding ban. Like FUCK YOU MODS!

Ok, here's what happened:

I saw that thread and posted a link to this thread. The reason? While it was a virus warning, yes, it still was a spam PM sent to multiple users. A malicious account. So it should be suitable to report it to there, no? Well Zerok apparently thought it wasn't, and thought it deserved a 3 day vacation from the BBS. Wow. Another user tried to do the same as I did, and his/her post also was deleted (and probably banned too). Look in the quoted version of this post.

What I wrote in my (now deleted) post was:


http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 52126/1

Post that shit there.


And what another user wrote was simply:


http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 52126/1


So yeah, apparently that was backseat modding.

But Zerok is a good moderator, and knows what's he doing (unlike some others), so if it really is worth a ban it probably was. Although to be honest, I think a 1 or 2 day ban would be better rather than a 3. I'm not saying that the ban as a whole was unjustified; the ban length was kind of harsh. Then again, seeing from another perspective, this is the 2nd time I broke the backseat modding rule, so...

I mean it could have been worse. Like he could have shat out a 5 day ban, reason of ban length increase being that I didn't learn my lesson from 7C's (SevenSeize) ban. So I guess I should be glad the ban length stayed the same instead of bitching that instead it should be lower, when another mod could have made it higher.

Well end of butthurt rant. At least I still have 38 rings. 5 rings is not that big of a loss anyway, in comparison to 40 rings Mal made me lose in that 30 day ban (but then I recovered 35). Moving along...

NOTE: History post is continued to Part 4.

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Guide Navigation:

[<<<<<<<<<< Back To History of NG Guide Part 2 <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Next To History of NG Guide Part 4 >>>>>>>>>>]
[>>>>>>>>>> Admins/Mods/Ex-Mods >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Site Moderation <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Other Guide Information <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> To Guide Topics List >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Guide Posting Rules <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Back To Guide Index >>>>>>>>>>]

Relevant picture is obviously relevant:

Because the angry faic is too awesome to be irrelevant.

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 8th, 2010

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Guide Navigation:

[<<<<<<<<<< Back To History of NG Guide Part 2 <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Next To History of NG Guide Part 4 >>>>>>>>>>]
[>>>>>>>>>> Admins/Mods/Ex-Mods >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Site Moderation <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Other Guide Information <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> To Guide Topics List >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Guide Posting Rules <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Back To Guide Index >>>>>>>>>>]

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~ Scene 9: New Flash Portal Layout ~
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Current Time: May 26th, 2009 (+2)
BBS Post Count:
BBS Rings Count: 38 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 8
Remaining Ban Length: 1 day
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 6

So today is when the new widescreen layout was released. It was okay I guess. I hated it though. The screen was too big to reach for the voting bar. The voting bar was small. The reviews were really small, so was the flagging button (the "X"). When writing a review, the box was also glitched too. Even the author's response had a glitch to it. On top of it, the "You may also like..." panel pissed me off the most. Like I came here to watch the fucking movie; THAT IS IT! I don't need lame ass advertising for the other submissions. Sure if it were smaller I wouldn't be annoyed, but it took up ONE FUCKING THIRD (33.333%) of the screen! Like... bitch please... There were also an increase in ads too, but I wasn't bothered by them. I never was annoyed by Newgrounds' ads anyway, unlike many other fucking shitty websites where 68% of the screen are shitty flashing useless ads.

So I left the flash portal, and just viewed the BBS. Looking at the status information, I still had 1 day left until my ban expires, so nothing was posted then.

Eventually, Tom has released an option to switch to the classic layout. YES! THANK YOU! I immediately switched to the classic, and was done with that.

Full discussion of the wide screen layout is here.

No new part of the guide was created either. So today, no progress was made.

I made this scene due to the widescreen release. The coding is fantastic still, so I wanted to show my appreciation to Tom & the team by dedicating a scene to this release. I'm sure many people loved the widescreen layout. I think it's okay; not the greatest but DEFINITELY not a heap of shit either. Hey, you can't please everyone. This was a redundant scene, but I'm sticking this here anyway as a symbol of appreciation.

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~ Scene 9: I lost almost all my BBS rings thanks to Mal the asskissing faggot ~
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Current Time: May 30th, 2009 (+4)
BBS Post Count:
443 (+31)
BBS Rings Count:
3 / 100 (-35) (<--- Holy fucking shit)
Number of BBS bans:
9 (+1)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 6


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~ BBS Ban #9 ~
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Ends: Tuesday, 02nd June, 2009
Duration of ban: 3 days
Administered by: Malachy
Reason for ban: ad hominem attacks in the thread The Unwritten Rules [http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 065617]. Insulting other users, name calling, and giving out private messages from me trying to blame (wrongly) twilight for using alts to attack mods is borderline harassment/trolling. ~Mal

Administered at: May 30th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 35 (<-----------)
Total Rings Remaining:
3 (<--- Wow...)

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BBS Rings Count: 3 / 100 (-35)

This ring count number explains itself a lot...


Okay, I got way too carried off there...


Wow this is the WORST ban I have ever received from Mal. I thought this shit ended, but seriously? This is what I definitely call "asskissing" or "cock/dick sucking". More specifically, the sucking of a 13 year old spammer's cock. Now I don't use the words "cock" or "asskissing" or "dicksucking" so when I use it, I REALLY mean it. He's banning me for accusing and insulting poor faggot Twilight; could it get any worse than this?

Anyway, I got banned for something Twilight decided to be an asshole at. So in the thread, obviously he was being a whiny bitch about the unwritten rules. There is a reason why they are called "Unwritten Rules", faggot. Then I went in there and posted some shit. It trolled and harassed him apparently. Then he replied and added harassment to his posts too. In fact, Mal forgot to delete one of his harassing posts. Good thing he didn't, because you can now go in there and see the +1 post. I'll post it here for the fuck of it:

"And to you, SuperMario whatever. You always get banned for brownnosing and backseat modding. Though I hate Malachy with a passion and he hates me back, I haven't posted on my alts in a long time and I would love to see those screenshots also."

It mentions my user name, although he didn't fully spell it correctly. He even claimed me to be "brownnosing" and "backseat modding", something that he should keep his smartass mouth shut up about. That's none of his fucking business. What I get banned for and reason does not warrant his faggotry concern, nor his attention. This is where the thread gets worse. I did derail it a bit, using more insults and shit, but he took it to level 2.

Then he brought up my whining about Malachy and all. HERE he should keep his faggot mouth shut and mind his own fucking business. My issues with Malachy is none of his fucking business. It's like a mod suddenly posting a user's ban history in public (which is not allowed according to a mod rule), but fucking Twilight isn't a mod and therefore can't be punished for a mod rule.

Then he starts kissing Mal's ass, something that crossed the line. Wait, he already crossed the line by making a fuss of a user's issues in public, and he crossed another, more serious line now. He mentions and argues my bans, kisses up to Mal, says that my bans were justified, that I was trolling, backseat modding (which I never was banned for by Mal), harassing other users (do I really give a rats fucking ass if I harass a stupid BBS user? I don't think so, and Twilight is no exception) and all that garbage. Whether or not I agree with Mal's bans is none of his fucking concern. He also is a fucking hypocrite saying that I was "brownnosing" when he was brownnosing RIGHT at that god damn moment. Bah, what can I expect from an immature retarded 13 year old that is an attention whore?

It seems like I'm pulling shit out of my ass, with 0 of my posts currently present there, but I will never forgive Malachy for this, and will never forget this scene. Since this is the NG Guide History Post, I'm not willing to lie to cover up the real truth.

This shit-fest keeps going and going. Now it reaches the point where some more BBS celebrities like Twilight begin jumping on the bandwagon with him, and further annoy the fuck out of me. They then quoted my posts and added insults to it. They jumped with him, saying that I deserved the bans I got, I was backseat modding, etc all the shit Twilight said. Not like I cared, because my focus was on Twilight, and not on the other attention whore BBS fags. More flaming and insulting and harassing in the thread. It literally became a flame war, with Mal's name thrown all around the place along with other mods. There was asskissing and bandwagon jumping (against) that supported the asskissing (towards Malachy). Or they jumped on the bandwagon to be recognized for supporting a BBS celebrity, and therefore get some popularity and attention too.

So then the thread was locked, and I was banned. As said in the ban description above, it was a 3 day ban. Yes I did use a PM Mal sent me to accuse of him to use alts to attack mods (as said in the ban message), but that's still fucking retarded of an excuse to ban. Plus, I was wrong? Wait, you (Mal) just said that he was using alts, and now you're saying that he WASN'T? God damn you Mal. Anyway, guess who made the lock message? BINGO.

As Mal said in his lock message:

"this thread seems to have gone down the shitter."

Indeed it did. About time you fucking came along and ended it, asshole.

"Twilight: I don't hate you. I have no clue where you got that vibe, but whatever I did to warrant you to piss and moan on twitter and people's userpage news posts about it, PM me and let me know."

SSSSSSSSSSSCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFF!!! Wow I think this is a hidden, more implied reason of why I got banned. To blame Twilight of hating him and shit. He's a fucking attention whore, you fucking dumbass. (NSFW INCOMING) But wait, I shouldn't forget the cocksucking and asskissing that occurs within the two of them (Mal and Twilight). It's like a 10 year old boy (Mal) is sticking his dick into a 8 year old boy's (Twilight) ass, and ejaculating semen/sperm ("cum" as some of you call it) in it. In other words, gay anal sex. (Although they didn't hit fucking puberty.) Yes if you visualized that, the resulting image IS (extreme) child pornography. But words don't equal pictures, so not like it is illegal (although I'm at the verge of crossing the line). Rather, it's a severe insulting example to the two of them. This is the history post, so it's not like I give a flying fuck in the vagina if they get offended. Anyway...

"this thread is locked because it is turning into a shouting match."

No shit Sherlock. Why didn't you *POOF* appear out of nowhere and break it up earlier like you did in that Sonic thread incident 2 months ago? IDIOT MODS. When a BBS regular gets harassed, the mods come and put out the fire. But when a non-BBS regular gets harassed, the mods don't do shit, or do shit too late. Faggots. Examples are this incident, and that Sonic thread incident listed in Part 2.

From this point on, I thought of Malachy as an opinionated asshat who is light on certain users (Twilight) and harsh on other users (me). This is where I had more hated feelings against him. The hatred was stronger than before he and I had that so-called "resolution" we had in PM. Wait, this is the moment where he wanted to fire his firepower at me, so that he will force me to get my ass out of the BBS, and protect Twilight from me. In other words, he gives preferential treatments to certain users (mainly BBS celebrities) and harsh treatments to other users (like myself) because he likes/dislikes something about that user or its their popularity that is influencing him. Apparently I wasn't the only one that had that thought, as other users made claims that Mal is an opinionated mod that gives special treatment to certain users.

Seriously, if he wasn't opinionated, why the fuck did he leave one of Twilight's harassing posts up? Does he really like Twilight the 13 year old and hates me so much that I deserved what Twilight said? I got banned for insulting users, and Twilight insulted me yet didn't get his post deleted? Mal... you opinionated jackass... ah what am I going to do with you?

Next time he says he doesn't have anything against me, I'll fucking question him on why he didn't fucking delete that post. Like why the fuck would he delete my less harassing posts, and leave a more harassing post behind? Fuck, Twilight even exposed some of my bans, which is none of that prickface's fucking business. Why did Malachy do that, and what's the purpose of that? To award him with a +1 post for insulting me when he still has feelings against me? Oh never mind, fuck it; this time I'll get him GOOD.

Remember that skit example I used in Part 2 of the History post? Well I will use another one for this example:

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SMBS: Wow Malachy, this is the WORST ban I have received from you.

Shadic93: Say what?

Shadic93: Wait, did you say that out of all bans, you got the worst one from Mal?

SMBS: Yes. There is this one 13 year old faggot out there that spews 30 +1 posts worth of shit each day on the BBS. I almost modeled my posting habits after him, since he had a sign-up date earlier than I did. Luckily I didn't. Anyway, we both got into a shit fight in a thread, and I got banned from Mal. Like what the fuck?

Shadic93: He probably got banned too as well.

SMBS: He mentions his name in the ban message, so I bet he got away with it. Faggot. Well if he gets off earlier than I did and I see him posting tomorrow, shit's getting REAL intense. More intense than the situation before the 30 day ban I got. Ten fold. That's how bad it's going to get. If he lets a fucking 13 year old spammer get away earlier than a BBS non-regular, I will be fucking dumbfounded.

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The story will continue to the next scene, as I don't want to spoil the rest of it.

Like I said in that skit, if I see Twilight getting off earlier than I did, then...


</whiny long ass butthurt rant #2>

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~ Scene 9: Malachy you opinionated prickface faggot ~
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Current Time: June 1st, 2009 (+2)
BBS Post Count:
BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100 (-2) (<--- Aftermath effect)
Number of BBS bans:
Remaining Ban Length: 1 day (-2)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 6


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*2 days later*


Shadic93: What happened?

SMBS: That faggot got out and made another 25 shitty BBS posts today, and I'm still banned!

Shadic93: WHAT?

SMBS: ...............................

Shadic93: SMBS, you okay?

SMBS: ...................

Shadic93: .............

SMBS: ...............I'm fine. It's that I'm so fucking pissed that I want to fucking Chaos Spear that bastard's sorry ass and see him fucking die in pain and misery. Like banning a popular spammer for a shorter period of time than a non-regular; is he a fucking retard? Because I sure as hell think he is, despite being 22 years old. I'm facing status discrimination. To the MAX that is. Jesus Christ it's like as if a black guy and a white guy were going over the speed limit in an empty highway. Same speed, but the police catches and gives a ticket to the black guy, and the white guy is let loose. To finish it, the police calls the black guy a nìgger. Mal is the police, I'm the black guy, and that fag is the white guy.

Shadic93: Well... I don't have anything to say... it's just... that appalling... and hurtful...

Shadic93: And it was really painful to read the last few sentences... do you really think that Mal would go deep into racist thoughts?

SMBS: ................probably..............

Shadic93: .................

SMBS: .................................

Shadic93: I still got nothing........

SMBS: ........Chaos.....fucking.......SPEAR! *Shoots a spear*

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Yeah I knew that Chaos Spear thing was fucking pathetic. But if I actually saw Malachy in real life, and can shoot Chaos Spears, I would have fucking killed him dead on the spot there without a second thought for doing that stupid shit. Seriously. Like REALLY? He's going THAT low to protect a 13 year old brat from a 14 year old? FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS.

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Shadic93: That attack fails with the BBS ban in place. That son of a bastard is using the ban he issued to you as a shield against your attack.

SMBS: Damn you Malachy, damn you! *Falls on knees and hits the ground*

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Seriously, what the FUCK? Like why the FUCK did faglight get the preferential treatment from Malachy and I got the harsher treatment? FAGGOTS FAGGOTS FAGGOTS FAGGOTS FAGGOTS! Two assholes, both kissing the asses of each other, are now defending each other. It's like a back-to-back case. Now Twilight gets his 20 garbage posts, and I'm still banned by Malachy.

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

LIKE FUCK YOU MALACHY! Seriously, to prove that it was that bad, look at my ring count; it is now ONE (1) ring remaining! Like there was THREE, but it went down by TWO thanks to Mal who decided to be an asshole at me again and give me the longer ban! Therefore only 1 ring remains. I'm pissed at Malachy now. Fuck him. One ring left. JUST ONE RING. That is it, once this ring is gone, then I'm on my own in the BBS with no protection. He just wiped off 2 more rings, which NEVER happened before. Only the ban caused the loss of rings; not the aftermath. Bah whatever, I'm sick of this bullshit. Malachy is now back in my shit list again, for letting a 13 year old faggot spammer out of jail before I do. While Twilight uses his posting privileges, I get the ban message when trying to post.

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

Damn... I feel like I want to throw away this one remaining ring away because I'm THAT pissed. But I can't afford to lose this one, because I already lost 2 in waste. Because of Malachy giving Twilight preferential treatment. What an asskissing faggot. TWO rings, for ASSKISSING. ASSKISSING! ASSKISSING MOTHERFUCKERS! TWO. RINGS. LOST. FOR. A. S. S. K. I. S. S. I. N. G!

Seriously Twilight, get your penis out of Mal's asshole, and grow the fuck up you faggot. As for you Mal, unscrew and get the sand out of your vagina, get your moderating skills/administration skills FUCKING STRAIGHT, and hammer all your stupid opinionated feelings out of it. No preferential treatment, opinions, fanboyism or any of that stupid bullshit. The rules, and ONLY the rules should be taken into consideration. You opinionated assprick.

I think I'm crossing the line here with insults and harassments. Especially with that child pornography example, and shit like that. But notice the time stamp of this scene before making assumptions. Those were my thoughts during that scene. Also, read the entire history before making up assumptions and (illogical) ideas.

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

This, by FAR, is my worst encounter with him. I will NEVER forgive him for this. NEVER. This is complete bullshit, and UNACCEPTABLE. Especially the fact that he banned a 400 post count noob for longer than a 6,000+ post BBS spamming regular fag go free. I smell stenched bullshit now, and I am at the verge of losing this final ring.

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

I just want to go into a super form and roast their sorry asses. BOTH of them. Like I said in the skit, if I were to see Malachy for real and can shoot Chaos Spears, I would Chaos Spear and melt his sorry ass for this bullshit. That's how pissed I am. I will roast it, and thus kill him ultimately. But too bad that's not going to happen. NEVER.

Next time I confront him, I will capture and nail him for GOOD. If not, then I'm history. Time to put this one final ring to the test in the future...

BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100

It's... almost... over... ...I'm... losing... my... BBS... life... force... and... moti-vation...
Can... I... live... much... longer...? Will... I... lose... this... ...ring... ...too...?

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Guide Navigation:

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Picture is obviously relevant. Maybe irrelevant since a stronger picture is needed, but what the fuck:

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 8th, 2010

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Guide Navigation:

[<<<<<<<<<< Back To History of NG Guide Part 4 <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Next To History of NG Guide Part 6 >>>>>>>>>>]
[>>>>>>>>>> Admins/Mods/Ex-Mods >>>>>>>>>>]
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~ Scene 9: Part 7 of the Guide ~
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Current Time: June 7th, 2009 at 4:32 PM (+5)
BBS Post Count:
469 (+23)
BBS Rings Count:
1 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 9
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 7 (+1)

Well that last scene was a bummer. For one, the ring count took a massive blow (1 ring left), and for two, I posted less posts to the BBS. Note that within 5 days, I made 23 posts. That averages to 4.60 per day, which is complete bullshit. Before that ban by Malachy, it was at LEAST 10 posts per day. Fuck, it even hit 13 posts per day, and that's when I REALLY had a good time on the BBS. The fact that I (hadn't) "solved" my problems with Mal made me think that I'm safe. Note that the ring count was 38-43 back then (although it should have been around 90-100 if I were to post that much, but whatever).

Now after that BBS ban by Malachy (and that long-ass rant about it), my posting quantity and posting habits went down, ALONG with the ring count (which is now a measly 1 ring). Seriously, that ban brought my mood down (you should see a clear connection between the ring count and the mood/posting status by now) and I don't feel that happy posting to the BBS now in fear of another opinionated ban by whomever. It's a fucking trend now. BBS regulars get banned less, and non-regulars get banned more (since their presence on the BBS wouldn't make a fucking difference anyway). It's like a mod just loves or has a passion to the BBS regulars, and don't give a fucking shit about the non-regulars. And when the regulars DO get banned by a mod, they get a discount of a few days less (like 3 days instead of 5) and when a non-regular gets banned, they pay the full price (5 days and it stays as 5 days). A 66% blow on my post rate and posting habits, and almost a 99% blow on my mood.


So anyway, I decided to cross the line (now in a positive way) once again with the guide. I made Part 7. Part 7 was a guide on how to blow the whistle in flash submissions, and how to get it flagged for administrative review. It crossed the line because it wasn't about reviews at all. The guide went off from the topic of reviews to flash submissions. However, the original guide title...

Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 7: Determining Violating Flash Submissions

...didn't mention anything about it having to be about abusive reviews. Therefore, I went on with this plan. I mean on the flip side, a guide on how to write good reviews won't earn you whistle points, nor will a news post about news of the guide. So this argument could go either way. But I digress, so shut up. Anyway, I wrote up the whole guide. It wasn't easy; too few places to find out information about blowing abusive flashes. I tried the FAQ, but that was not much of a help. The biggest help, and I normally don't use this page, was the flash portal submit page under "Please note:". A big bunch of rules to abide and follow. In fact, a massive amount of Part 7 comes from that page, plus with examples I made up, elaborations and all that good stuff.

So Part 7 was published, and that was that. It was nice though, since a good number of people appreciated the guide and commented on it. It was better than Parts 4 & 5 & 6, ALL of which were epic failures.

However, something was missing, so...

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~ Scene 9: Part 8 of the Guide & BBS Ban #10 ~
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Current Time: June 10th, 2009 at 9:41 PM (+3)
BBS Post Count:
BBS Rings Count: 1 / 100 (+/- 0)
Number of BBS bans:
10 (+1)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 8 (+1)

OK so two things happened today (6/10/09). Which one should I explain first? Ah I will start with the BBS ban first, and get it out of my fucking way. I'm getting sick of the BBS, so I will push that stupid bullshit out of the way first.

First I will list the ban, and then I will explain the ban and how I got it.

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~ BBS Ban #10 ~
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Ends: Friday, 12th June, 2009
Duration of ban: 2 days
Administered by: NEVR
Reason for ban: User requested. ~NEVR

Administered at: June 10th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 0 (<--- This is a first...)
Total Rings Remaining:

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Huh, the ring count stayed the same. Cool huh? Well it better stay the fucking same for each ban I get after this one, or else the ring count will reach the shitty (danger) point: 0

So during this time, I was a freshman at high school (secondary school) which is 9th grade (year 9 of school). The end of the school year was approaching, so I had final exams to study for. I first of all fucked around in this thread before studying. That thread was created when I had that opinionated BBS ban by Malachy (as noted in the previous 2 scenes). Anyway, before I throw another hateful/unneeded rant here and fuck up this scene, I'm going to go on:

I screwed around in that thread, and AGAIN Twilight decided to be a smartass (once again) by starting to troll in that thread. He started by trolling my posts, and (once again) kissed up to the mods, saying he enjoys the BBS (since he shits out 30 +1 posts and gets away with bans & those shit posts) and that I should fuck off. This flame war again expanded and got shittier by the second like it did a few days ago. Except this time, I knew I had put out the flames myself without some other opinionated mod/user putting it out for us. But how do I do that? Well...

I banned myself from the BBS for 2 days with the help of NEVR, and asked him to trash my recent posts in that thread. He nicely did what I asked, and even trashed one of faglight's posts as well (although not all of them like Mal did). That ended that, and possibly protected myself from another opinionated ban from that asskissing prick who will *POOF* appear randomly and ban my ass for harassing Twilight. Well I sacrificed my posting privileges to NEVR protect myself from that scenario.

Twilight may have gotten away with his posting privileges with that one. Let him enjoy his fun. I at least protected my ring count with a user requested ban, which is pretty good. If I didn't request that ban, then the outcome of this scene would be similar to the previous 2 scenes. I also had to study for my final exams, so me being banned from the BBS will give me no reason to go there, so therefore I can study properly with no fucking distraction.

The ban is more of a positive thing than a negative. Still didn't bring up the ring count however, but it did (possibly) prevented the loss of that one final ring.

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So after all that stupid shit, I got my ass off of the BBS and reread Part 7 of the guide. Then I looked at Part 2 and said "Hmm... how about I make a post dedicated to reporting flashes?" and I made Part 8. It was a post where users can bring in links to abusive flashes. It can be flashes DURING judgment or AFTER judgment.

Title: Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 8: Flagging/Reporting Abusive Flash Submissions

Immediately, SlashFirestorm told me to use the NGPD or EGB for that. I did agree, but then said to myself "I'll leave this post here anyway". That was a good idea, for I thought to myself that I can use this as an "abusive flash dump" where submissions that have been passed that needs to be deleted can be dumped there. Then from there I can simply PM Wade a link to the post and have him delete all the individual entries submitted. It's better than having 2,000+ PMs sent to Wade, and causing him confusion.

And that is that. Nothing really happened in that post after that.

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~ Scene 9: Part 8 of the Guide & BBS Ban #10 ~
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Current Time: June 13th, 2009 at 8:53 PM (+3)
BBS Post Count:
500 (+31)
BBS Rings Count:
1 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 10
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 17 (+9)

So the 12th of June I was unbanned and now I am at the 13th of June. That is 31 posts I have posted to the BBS, and 2 days it took to make them. Which is a 15.5 posts per day rate! Wow. That user requested ban brought my mood up. Also, my final exams were over at this date, so I was happy at that and wasted my time on the BBS. 15 posts per day and no ban between that. I think I slowly regained my title as a BBS regular with those numbers. Normally people post around 2-10 posts, but those that post more than that are regulars for sure.

So after bullshitting around on the BBS, I went back to my user page. Yesterday at 6/11/09, I have gotten encouragement from users to split my abusive review guides into two; one for flash reviews and one for audio reviews. Each type of review will receive an abusive review guide, an abusive review post, a guide on how to make a good review, review flagging questions and such. So each guide will undergo mitosis, where it will divide into two. I also have split Part 3 of the guide into 3 pieces; a guide on how to flag abusive reviews, an abusive review guide (same Part 3), AND examples of abusive reviews. Since I'm splitting Part 3 into two pieces, and each piece will be split three times, I will have 6 parts.

Then today I devoted a lot of time into making plenty of news posts for this plan to work. I made 9 news posts worth of guide material. Those 9 news posts are:

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 9: Finding Abusive Flash Reviews

This post is a separation from Part 3, the abusive review post. With the split of the review guides, I had to rename it as "abusive flash reviews". It was supposed to be merged into Part 3, but because Part 3 was overcrowded (I updated and redesigned Part 3 from time to time; dates on when I updated them were lost) I split that post into pieces. This is one of them. A guide on tips on how to find abusive flash reviews (abusive flash review hot spots). The explanations and how to interpret an abusive review will be left on the abusive review guide. This post will list tips to find abusive reviews.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 10: Flagging Abusive Audio Reviews [Link]

This is a replica of Part 2 of the guide, except it pertains to abusive audio reviews. Same rules applies to Part 2. Due to differences in what makes an audio review and flash review abusive, I have separated the two posts to avoid confusion and possible misflagging.

*This post became the new Part 2 (abusive [flash] review post) as of November 6th, 2009, because Part 2 had hit 500 comments; the maximum amount of comments a news post can have. To preserve those links, YET move the crew somewhere, I moved it to Part 10. Part 10 was the abusive audio review post, but due to the fact that NOBODY used it, AND that I needed to move the Part 2 crew (users that participated in Part 2 are members of the crew) somewhere, I threw them in Part 10. More info on that later as I reach that scene.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 11: Determining Abusive Audio Reviews

Like Part 3, it was a guide on how to interpret an abusive audio review. Slightly different from the abusive flash review guide, but they both share the same qualities (insulting artists, saying it should be deleted, etc.) in some guidelines.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 12: How to write a good solid (non-abusive) audio review(s)

Like the useless Part 4, this was a guide on how to write a good audio review. I never got around finding a tactic on how to review audio properly, so I left this as an "under construction" post as well.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 13: Abusive Audio Review Flagging Questions

Like Part 6, this is another flagging questions post. Ask flagging questions here pertaining to flagging abusive audio reviews. This wasn't necessarily made to troll/piss off Malachy and his Review Answers 2.0 thread, but rather it was made since I have to split all the review guides if I were to split one.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 14: Finding Abusive Audio Reviews

Another split duplicate of Part 9. This time, it pertains to finding abusive audio reviews.

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Cleaning up NG and Whistle Points Part 15: Examples of Abusive Audio Reviews

This guide never existed in the "flash reviews guides" section, because I couldn't cram it in due to no available news post. I left it in the audio review guides since I now have the opportunity to do so. For the finding flash reviews post, I merged that with Part 3 for the time being, until I find a plan to solve the pertaining issue.

Anyway, this post is an example of abusive audio reviews. It's a way to teach users what are examples of abusive audio reviews, and what to flag. It's similar to Part 11 (abusive audio review post) except it doesn't list the guidelines; only the examples of reviews that break those guidelines.

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Cleaning up NG Part 16: Determining Violating Audio Submissions

Like Part 7 of the guide, this is a guide on how to determine abusive audio submissions. There is no flagging option available, but there IS the option to PM Wade to delete audio. So I wrote this up. There weren't too many resources available; I only used the guidelines from the Audio Portal Submit Page and elaborated on that. It was then tagged as "Under Construction" since I was dissatisfied with that guide, and will find more info to add to it.

So in other words, it's a guide on how to point out audio submissions that violate the Audio Portal rules. Not a big success, as nobody commented on it. Oh well.

Oh, and note that the phrase "and Whistle Points" is missing from the title. Well that's because by reporting abusive audio, you clean up the site, but DO NOT get whistle points.

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Cleaning up NG Part 17: Reporting Abusive Audio Submissions

A replica of Part 8, this post is another dumping post where users can dump links to abusive audio submissions. Then once enough has been built up, I can send a PM to Wade to this post, and he can speed through and delete shit off of the site (and ban the motherfuckers).

There WAS the Audio Portal Cleanup Thread, so this post was a failure again. Oh well. I tried.

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~ Scene 9: The NG BBS Rulebook Guides ~
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Current Time: June 14th, 2009 at 8:00 PM (+1)
BBS Post Count:
507 (+7)
BBS Rings Count:
1 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 10
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 19 (+2)

This is a breaking point for the Newgrounds Guide. I went beyond flagging flashes, reviews, and reporting audio, and went to the BBS section. This section was pretty shaky, and I wasn't really comfortable doing this part. But what the fuck. I did it anyway:

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Cleaning up NG Part 18: ALL of the BBS Rules (Part 1) [Link]

So it begins. I began the first part of the BBS guides. It basically was an overview of all the BBS rules in the various forums. Look in that post itself and you will see.

These are the resources I used for that news post:

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/rules (General BBS rules)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/91 0559 (Qualifications to host a collab)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/rules_pr ogramming (Programming Forum Guidelines)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/19 7815 (Club & Crew Rules)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/rules_ar t (Art Forum Rules)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/rules_au dio (Audio Forum Rules)

It was, to be brief, just copy and pasting of rules and guidelines to the news post. Then I added a fancy layout, tweaked some HTML, and all that good stuff. It was okay I guess. Not my best work, but not my worst work either. While it is a pretty useless post, since there is no explanation to each rule and what it means, it crams all the rules for the WHOLE BBS in a single post. That's pretty good, in my opinion. Not the greatest, but DEFINITELY not the worst either.

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Cleaning up NG Part 19: ALL of the BBS Rules (Part 2) [Link]

This was slightly more complicated to create. While it was still copy and pasting, I had to do SHIT LOADS of searching and searching to compile that post. Most of the rules came from here:


But a lot of others required tremendous amounts of searching. Mainly I had to find topics by Wade or a mod that proves to people that the unwritten BBS rule ACTUALLY exists.

It was hard, but it was worth it in the end. Also, the layout and HTML coding was also a bitch too.

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Guide Navigation:

[<<<<<<<<<< Back To History of NG Guide Part 4 <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Next To History of NG Guide Part 6 >>>>>>>>>>]
[>>>>>>>>>> Admins/Mods/Ex-Mods >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Site Moderation <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Other Guide Information <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> To Guide Topics List >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Guide Posting Rules <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Back To Guide Index >>>>>>>>>>]

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Relevant picture is not-so-obviously relevant:

Because the Angry Faic is too awesome to be irrelevant.

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 8th, 2010

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Guide Navigation:

[<<<<<<<<<< Back To History of NG Guide Part 5 <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Next To History of NG Guide Part 7 >>>>>>>>>>]
[>>>>>>>>>> Admins/Mods/Ex-Mods >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Site Moderation <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Other Guide Information <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> To Guide Topics List >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Guide Posting Rules <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Back To Guide Index >>>>>>>>>>]

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~ Scene 9: Parts 20-27 and BBS Ban #11 ~
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Current Time: June 15th, 2009 at 9:40 PM (+1)
BBS Post Count:
510 (+3)
BBS Rings Count:
1 / 100 (+/- 0)
Number of BBS bans:
11 (+1)
Remaining Ban Length:
2 hours and 20 minutes (-5 hours)
Recent NG Guide Part:
Part 27 (+8)

Wow the post rate took a blow today. Only 3 posts per fucking day. That's it. Wow. Probably because of the BBS ban I got. Anyway...

I'll mention the BBS ban first, to get this motherfucker out of the way again:

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~ BBS Ban #11 ~
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Ends: Friday, 12th June, 2009
Duration of ban: 1 day
Reason for ban: You have been banned for posting in a spam thread, entitled "Fuck you EyeLovePoozy." This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.

Administered at: June 11th, 2009
Number of Rings Lost: 0
Total Rings Remaining: 1

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I got banned for posting in a spam thread. Like the message said, it was entitled "Fuck you EyeLovePoozy". The OP wrote "Fuck you I hope you die in a fire" or something like that. I posted in there for one reason: To see if this was a spam thread. The reason is, I have NO FUCKING IDEA what a spam thread is. I have heard of the term many, many times but could never understand what it is. In an attempt to get a solid definition and example of what a spam thread is, I posted there, SOMEWHAT contributing to the spam.

Then some moderator had hit the [destroy] button and the thread was deleted. I received the one day ban, but it wasn't that big of a deal. The main important part of the ban is that it answered my question of what a spam thread is. THAT is why I posted in there, and the ring count still remains as a 1. I know what a spam thread is now, and I know an example of it. I don't know who destroyed the thread, but I think it was Poozy that did it since I DID see him on the user base during that time. That is why the "Administered by:" field is missing in the ban information, because the ban was unsigned. I had no idea who destroyed the thread. Plus, nobody but Wade or any other admin can tell me who destroyed the thread, so it's a moot point at this point. In any case, it wasn't that big of a deal, since I wouldn't have anything against (since posting in the thread was intentional) that mod. Anyway...

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So with all that shit aside, I went on with the guide while I was BBS banned and made Parts 20 to 27! Now let us see what was the purpose of each part, shall we?

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Cleaning up NG Part 20: ALL of the BBS Rules (Part 3)

A continuation of the BBS rules from Part 19. This post I think had 10,000 characters remaining upon completion. It still hosted rules from Zerok's rulebook however.

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Cleaning up NG Part 21: ALL of the BBS rules (Part 4)

This was a "Blank Post" because it had nothing in here. I made this post because of the possible overflow of Part 20 of the guide (since the BBS grows rapidly), in which the excess information must be dumped somewhere. So here it is. It had nothing in it though.

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Cleaning up NG Part 22: General BBS Rules Elaborated

An elaboration of the general BBS rules. These are the general BBS rules.

No they don't just apply to the General forum; they apply all over the BBS.

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Cleaning up NG Part 23: Evading bans with another account

This post outlines the punishment of evading a ban, and what is considered evading a ban. In short, any account used to override a ban for another account of yours will be considered as ban evasion. The PURPOSE of a ban is to not have your posting privileges, and to not be able to post to the BBS.

The rules are bluffing though; evading a ban won't result in immediate account termination. For your first offense, ALL your accounts will be banned, and the max length of the ban will be 30 days. So even if you evade a 2 day ban, you get a 30 day ban at the end (plus a huge dent on your ban history). If you do it for the 2nd time, it will PROBABLY be the same thing. If you do it the 3rd time, then you will get the 30 day ban, AND your alt accounts terminated by an admin. If you evade for the 4th time, then your main account will get the permanent BBS ban, and all your alts will be destroyed. Evade this one as well, and don't be surprised if your main account was terminated into dust.

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Cleaning up NG Part 24: Bumping Old Threads

This post is a guide on how to bump old topics on the BBS. What you need to include in your post if you want to bump it, and how you should bump it. Failure to follow this guide may result in a BBS ban. Evidence of a bumping ban:

Reason for ban: Bumping old threads with "review" in the title. - Zerok

Length of ban: 1 day

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Cleaning up NG Part 25: Complaining or bitching or boasting about a ban

A post on what you get when you bitch about a BBS ban. This only applies to when you complain on a mod's user page, PM or on the BBS (whether it's on the actual BBS post or in your signature).

Unless if the mod likes to "abuse" (exercise is the best word) their power, you may get a BBS ban for boasting or bitching in your own user page, or on other people's user pages. This does not happen often, although it could.

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Cleaning up NG Part 26: Notes about backseat modding

Oh boy this is a confusing-as-fuck rule. Tips on WHAT is backseat modding, and what is NOT. A hard one to pull off, but I did it somehow.

This guide is vague, because EVERY mod has a different interpretation of backseat modding. However, your chances of getting banned for it is close to 0 if you follow this. Just don't be pretentious and condescending and you'll be fine. Also don't act like you're superior to other users. The 2 backseat modding bans I got to support this claim:

= = =

Reason for ban: Backseat modding in almost every thread you post in. Stop acting like you're better than any other user. You can help your fellow NG users without coming off as pretentious and condescending. So work on that. <3 7Cs

Length of ban: 3 days

= = =

Reason for ban: Backseat modding in http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 63321 - Zerok

Length of ban: 3 days

= = =

This rule is a pain in the ass, and due to different moderators' interpretations you risk a ban. To ultimately avoid backseat modding, don't point out abusive material, and don't help other users (no matter how harsh that may seem). That is your safest away out of the backseat modding. Just continue the conversation. If someone is being an asshole and are breaking the rules, just PM a mod and leave it at that. If someone makes a thread in the wrong forum, don't post in it, even if you redirect it to the correct forum. Chances are your post will be eventually deleted (thus wasting your effort) and you may receive a ban (and will hinder your ability to post for the next few hours/days).

Backseat modding is also an unwritten guideline for writing reviews, and reviews that mention that the author should be banned, deleted, IP banned, the flash/audio/art should be blammed/flagged/deleted, another reviewer should have their review deleted/banned, etc. are abusive and should be flagged.

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Cleaning up NG Part 27: Harassing/Insulting/Flaming users

This one is a HUGE pain in the ass. The thing is, if you constantly (key word here) insult other users, you shouldn't be surprised if you landed with a ban. Calling one random person a "dumbass" won't get you a ban. Hell, calling 3-5 people assholes/jackasses won't get you a ban either. BUT, if you convey an insult into every post you make (like in every post you call someone a dipshit, asshole, bitch, bastard, dumbfuck, etc.) then don't be surprised if you get the ban message of a 5 day ban. Remember that recent 3 day ban I got from Malachy? Well there's your evidence that this is a real rule. Ban message for quick reference:

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Reason for ban: ad hominem attacks in the thread The Unwritten Rules [http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 065617]. Insulting other users, name calling, and giving out private messages from me trying to blame (wrongly) twilight for using alts to attack mods is borderline harassment/trolling. ~Mal

Length of ban: 3 days

= = =

While I am at it here is another ban that occurred before the above one that is related to this topic:

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Reason for ban: straight from the BBS rules here: 1. Chasing / harassing / flaming other users, regardless of who instigated it. 2. Insulting or harassing the moderators or administrators. 3. Trolling: cruising the boards looking for a figh 4.Lurk first, post second. Read the entirety of every thread you post in before you post. in the thread Do mods respect each other? [http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 049887]. You seemed to have missed the point of the mods posting in the thread and instead decided to troll Me. If you've got a problem, there's a PM system. threats, complaints, insults and ect. are unwarranted. Ban length reflects the fact that you just got off a ban for trolling. Stop breaking the rules pl0x ~Mal

Length of ban: 4 days

= = =

The ban you can get for insulting users is also much harsher if you call someone a faggot, fag, spic, etc since that's using racist/sexist language ("fag" will be spared a ban if you use it as the British equivalent of "cigarettes" or "smokes"). THAT is listed under "THE BIG ONES" in the BBS rulebook. In fact, it is what some BBS moderators call as "Rule #1".

There is also a rare case where if you harass a user outside the BBS (such as in AIM, PMs, user pages, etc.) then a moderator may ban you from the BBS for harassing a BBS user. This happens when you harass someone outside the BBS because of something that happened INSIDE the BBS (although you didn't commit a crime on the BBS, you are annoying and harassing a BBS user). In a very extreme case, you can earn a BBS ban if you insult/harass/flame a user or even a mod in your OWN user page. Speaking of that, I could earn a harsh BBS ban from Malachy for using racist and sexist language after publishing these history posts, for the post that had that 3 day BBS ban mentioned a few paragraphs above contains serious amounts of sexist slurs against him and his 13 year old partner. Even one racist slur is hidden in that post (not against Mal though).

In any case, those were the guides I made then.

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So that's what happened that day. Moving along...

NOTICE: The next few news posts will be just guide material, and nothing else. So no BBS bans or BBS shit or ranting will be explained in the next few parts. If you would like to jump over all the guide history nonsense (if you are reading this solely for seeing my BBS history, my BBS bans, my whining and such rather than for guide history) and go straight to the next BBS ban and whining, then click this button:

[Next BBS Ban]

This button will appear under ALL the navigation links of all news posts until the next BBS ban from this point on.

DISCLAIMER: You will miss out some important and useful information if you jump straight to the next BBS ban.

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~ Scene 9: Parts 20-27 and BBS Ban #11 ~
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Current Time: June 16th, 2009 at 10:10 PM (+1)
BBS Post Count:
522 (+12)
BBS Rings Count:
1 / 100
Number of BBS bans: 11
Recent NG Guide Part: Part 48 (+20)

Wow a +12 post boost on my post count, and still no BBS bans yet. That number is still staying as an 11, and 1.

Anyway, I shat out 20 new guides at this time. What the hell right? Well I kind of am losing passion towards the BBS and its mods + users (shitty topics, shitty posts, extreme immaturity, dumbass users, shitty moderation, immature users, etc), and that passion that is being lost is being transferred to my guide (which fuels its growth).

So I made 20 new guides. Let us see what those new guides are, shall we?

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Cleaning up NG Part 28: Contacting the BBS mods

A post on how to contact the mods with an issue or something.

In short...

If you are asking a question, include enough details, be specific, be clear, and even give an example if possible.

If you are reporting abuse, give the link to the thread where the abuse is made and what the abuse is (if a thread/post needs to be deleted, someone needs a ban, etc.). Since different mods administrate ("modded/modding") in different ways and view abuse in different perspectives, they may not see what you think is abusive without an explanation.

If you are asking a question regarding a ban you received, COOPERATIVELY and in a civil manner ask your question and address your concerns. Some mods may even give you a discount on your ban if you were civil and polite when talking to them. HOWEVER, if you are harsh, mean and uncooperative, the moderator reserves the right to increase your BBS ban length to whatever he/she feels fit. Frankly, if you can't bother to be fucking polite, you're not worth the fucking time to get a fucking reply. That's how the BBS mods play by.

Making an ass of yourself in their user page by being uncooperative and harassing them will also result in an increased BBS ban length, along with a possible ban from their user page.

Also, in an extreme case, if you harass EVERY (or most of the) mod(s) you got a ban from for EVERY (or most of the) time you were banned, the moderators will NOT sign your bans anymore. So the "~ Mal" or "- Poozy" (to name a few) won't appear at the end of your ban message. Therefore, you can't tell who banned you, and you can't harass the moderator that banned you. It's a hint that the moderators are tired of your bullshit and does not wish to tolerate it any further. This also is a drawback when you got banned and are LEGITIMATELY curious on why you were banned, yet you have no idea who banned you. It can go against you in cases. (Note to self: Needs better explanation

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Cleaning up NG Part 29: Trolling

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Cleaning up NG Part 30: About BBS Signatures and restrictions

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Cleaning up NG Part 31: Trying to 'smartass' your way around the BBS rules

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Cleaning up NG Part 32: Flash Forum Rules Elaborated

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Cleaning up NG Part 33: Audio Forum Rules Elaborated

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Cleaning up NG Part 34: Club and Crew Forum Rules Elaborated

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Cleaning up NG Part 35: The COMPLETE list of Clubs and Crews

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Cleaning up NG Part 36: Programming Forum Rules Elaborated

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Cleaning up NG Part 37: Art Forum Rules Elaborated

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Cleaning up NG Part 38: Other Forum Rules Elaborated

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Cleaning up NG Part 39: Threads That WILL get Locked, Deleted or Destroyed

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Cleaning up NG Part 40: Insulting the Moderators or Administrators

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Cleaning up NG Part 41: Piracy is FORBIDDEN

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Cleaning up NG Part 42: Discussion of how to enable adblock PROHIBITED

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Cleaning up NG Part 43: Resources to Threads that Enforce the BBS Rules

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Cleaning up NG Part 44: Giving the mods a hard time

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Cleaning up NG Part 45: Giving the admins a hard time

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Cleaning up NG Part 46: Attacking other websites

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Cleaning up NG Part 47: Making threats to the President or any other leader

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Cleaning up NG Part 48: Art Portal Terms of Service

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And those were all. Wow that was a lot.

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Guide Navigation:

[<<<<<<<<<< Back To History of NG Guide Part 5 <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Next To History of NG Guide Part 7 >>>>>>>>>>]
[>>>>>>>>>> Admins/Mods/Ex-Mods >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Site Moderation <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Other Guide Information <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> To Guide Topics List >>>>>>>>>>]
[<<<<<<<<<< Guide Posting Rules <<<<<<<<<<]
[>>>>>>>>>> Back To Guide Index >>>>>>>>>>]

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Relevant picture is not-so-obviously relevant:

Because the Angry Faic is too awesome to be irrelevant. Also, I'm still pissed at Malachy from that ban. But no matter, the expansion of the guide is bringing my mood up anyway. Still:

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 8th, 2010

I, the NG Guide Creator, started off as a normal user. I came here once at 2007 (with my user name being SupermarioBrothersS) and was a HUGE Sonic fanboy; like bigger than your mind can handle. I used to play Sonic games for like hours and hours each day. Here on Newgrounds I came here to watch Sonic movies and play Sonic games.

I also shat up the site with a lot of fanboy reviews (4 of which was deleted by early 2010).

Then I left Newgrounds, and came back in late 2008 (October 24th, 2008; a week before halloween). Once again I continued my Sonic fanboy shit for awhile.


In short, my history started as bad, went up good, and then hit the bottom of the barrel for good; I'm below the level of the worst users on the site. With this guide I hope to dig myself out of that hole. Whether or not I succeeded you decide.

I'm trying to keep this brief here. For more information and information about the history of the guide, click here.

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 8th, 2010

Q: Why are you doing this?

A: Good question. The answer to this question is truly unknown (undefined). Trust me I'm even struggling to find the answer, and it's a real awkward feeling.

Sometimes I ask myself "Why can't I just drop this project and be a normal user?" and I can't manage to find the answer to that question.

Q: What do you attempt to get out of it?

A: An improvement in the Newgrounds community, such as users writing good reviews in submissions and posting good posts on the BBS, along with polite behaviour and whatnot.

Although it's a vain attempt, it's still an attempt nevertheless.

I don't expect to get anything out if it however. If I were to get something out of it, it would be $50 from the Newgrounds Revenue Sharing Program.

Q: What HAVE you gotten out of it so far?

A: Nothing except a huge workload that never has decreased. Along with so much shit from the moderators and plenty of mod-wannabe users (users that want to be mods in vain). Maybe the guide threatens their chance of getting moderator status, for they fear I will steal it. I dunno, but I do know is that this shit never ended; it kept growing and growing.

Q: What is driving you to do this project?

A: Nothing. And yet like the first question, it's an undefined answer.

Q: Are there any obstacles you encountered that gave you a hard time?

A: Yes. The goddamn BBS is the biggest obstacle I faced, and also slowed down guide progress greatly. An equally-big obstacle is when Wade accidentally deleted my 2,200 news posts, which also deleted a lot of the guides. It was an accident though, so no sweat. The BBS/Review moderator Malachy also threw shit on my face, which deteriorated my progress on the guide, and also damaged some of the guides. I also suspect he was participating in the deletion of my 2,200 news posts, but I can't confirm this. The moronic BBS users also gave me shit on the BBS, so I ended up wasting all my time on the forums. Not a single second was well-spent posting on the forums. Reading itself was more of a pleasure than posting (as awkward as it sounds), and was worth the time more than posting itself (despite it being frowned upon).

In short, the NG BBS and Malachy are the two biggest obstacles I faced, and these two continued to torture me throughout the entire guide production.

Q: How did you solve the problems from the obstacles?

A: For the BBS, I had decided on quitting posting on there. Primarily the quitting of the BBS has gotten rid of one of my problems: The annoying-as-fuck BBS regulsrs.

However that didn't get rid of Malachy, for he still continued to chase my ass everywhere on Newgrounds (except the portals). He continued to leave harassing comments on my user page despite taking the ultimate action of sacrificing my BBS posting privileges; something Mal said I didn't need to do but I don't trust him and did it anyway.

He also was involved in the first destruction of the guide, where he tricked Wade into deleting my 2,200 news posts; which increased production time to 10.5 years instead of 9.9.

Q: Why do you intend to do this for 10.5 years?

A: As I write this, I have come too far to back down. I can't quit now. A lot of aggresive planning has been done, and I cannot leave Newgrounds until I finish this project.

Newgrounds is the greatest website I have ever seen in my life, and I just wanted to give back to the site I love somehow. I don't have flash, but even if I did, I would only submit shit to the portal. The Audio Portal is largely ignored, so that doesn't do anything either.

I did submit some art to the art portal and became scouted, but that's it. That itself is a very small contribution. More of an atom of contribution.

I then decided that the only thing I can do to give back to the site I love is to make a guide out of it. I mainly got this idea from the Where is/How to? forum on the BBS back when I posted. The regulars gave shit answers, and I wanted to dish out something better.

Q: Why is this guide almost 100,000 news posts long?

A: I wanted to create the ultimate guide, the ultimate Newgrounds Guide that will blow the crap out of all the other guides on Newgrounds COMBINED. Also will surpass the explanations of the smartest users in the site, and maybe a few mods.

Length does not equal to quality, but in this guide it will.

The guide is long because:

(1) The inability to add more than 1 image to a news post
(2) The ability to provide plenty of information
(3) Interactive guides where users can play with the news post to gain knowledge. These guides are the most active out of all guides on NG.
(4) Blank posts that is stuffed in each section so that if I get excess information I can let it fill up the next blank post. It would be a shame if I ran out of news posts and got good juicy information.
(5) A security feature to prevent plagarism of the guide, where someone may steal it and claim it as their own shit (which will be impossible due to the time stamps of the news posts). Stealing 1 post is easier than stealing 2,000 news posts that has the same amount of information.

Q: Is this what you only do on NG?

A: Along with writing the guide and posting news posts, I also flag loads of abuse daily, be it review abuse, stolen flash, stolen art, etc.

Occasionally I be a lazy ass and only work on the guide, thus letting abuse slip through the cracks. I'm slowly tightening up my hammer, and will start hammering out the abuse as soon as it strikes before it's never to be found again.


Q: How do you manage to complete all these tasks?

A: I don't. I'm in a sloppy mess. However I do get my shit together at times, so it's a mircale how I manage these tasks. I primarily thank the fact that I can fill in the news posts more quickly than I can post them (as in making more news posts).

Q: Do you ever allot some time to spend with your NG friends or the community?

A: Sadly, with the massive growth of the NG Guide I don't really talk to my NG friends anymore, nor my favorite artists. Shadic93 is one perfect example (and the anime fanboy even bitched about it). I only talk to my friends if they send me PMs or comment on my user page, or they meet up in The Newgrounds Guide Chat. Not until the workload of the NG Guide lessens to a managable level where I can squeeze in socializing with work.

I don't participate in the BBS like the community does, so that's an absolute NO. I never will too, for I have been given enough shit treatment from the moderators and users to permanently change my view of the BBS from positive to negative infinity. The worst part is, the user base can't change it back to positive; my view of the BBS will always be negative as long as I live in this planet.

Q: Is this giude some lame proxy attempt to become a mod?

A: A hard-core mod-wannabe user would think like this, but the answer is no. Getting mod status may actually destroy the guide at the end, for the workload will become way too massive to handle. It's like as if I have to make TWO 70,000 post NG Guides.

ALthough I have gotten so many comments resembling something like "SMBS for review mod", I told all of them that it's not going to work. BBS mod status, which I know I won't get due to the shit the user base gave me, will definitely destroy the Newgrounds Guide no fucking questions asked. With review mod status, I only swap flagging reviews with deleting reviews, so it isn't that bad. Still, as a review mod, I would have to deal with butthurt users, curious users asking questions, dishing out bans than mindlessly deleting abusive reviews, etc, etc. It definitely will slow down guide production to a snail's pace, or may even halt it permanently.

For someone like me, Wade giving me review mod status is somewhat of a bad move in his part due to my nature of spamming news posts. Besides, chances are I would refuse, for as surprising as it sounds getting mod status is something I DO NOT want.

There's probably someone else out there that's better suited for the position than I am, hahaha.

Q: If you never started this project, what do you think you would be doing here and when would you have left?

A: I easily would have left the site after I was kicked out of the BBS by Malachy and SevenSeize. The portals weren't looking too good, and coming to chat with the same people is boring.

This ACTUALLY would have happened if I followed that prick's advice into shutting down the most active part of the Newgrounds Guide (Part 2; more specifically the Ex-Ex-Part 2), in which the NG Guide would be a ghost town to a degree.

However I didn't, and that rewarded me with this. Whether the reward is positive or negative can be interpreted in different ways. I'll leave it to you to decide if it's positive or negative.

Q: During guide production, what things have you done on NG that you regret the most?

A: I can put an endless list of all the things I regret, but here are some:

- Leaving the BBS
* It gave the mods, and some stupid users a very bad image of me for some reason (probably because of being a reculse and not contributing or entertaining the community).
* Was leaving the BBS the best choice? That's a question I also can't answer. On one hand, I was able to escape from the moderators and their abuse, and therefore the NG stress level went down to almost 0. On the other hand, I completely alienate myself from the NG community for good. It's a double edged sword. At first sight it looks like leaving is a good idea because mod abuse can be painful at times, but after being gone for 11 or so months you'll eventually suffer from being separated from the community, and ALTHOUGH my situation is an exception it probably will affect a lot of users who have nothing to do (which may also force them to leave Newgrounds).
- Meeting that punk Malachy
* All my troubles started from him, and twice he tried to trick Wade into deleting the NG Guide (one of which his plan actually succeeded; in which I lost 2,200 news posts)
- Ranting about the BBS
* Kind of made me look immature, and also I can use this as an example on what NOT to do when you get banned/pissed (which is why I never deleted them despite those posts being linked to like 50,000 times).
- Isolating myself from my friends
* The best example I can give who slightly suffered from my prolonged absence is Shadic93, who usually wonders what I am doing. This happened since the beginning of 2010 all the way to June 2010 (6 month stretch).

Q: May I help you in the guide with-

A: No. Forget it. If you want to help the guide, you're better off staying away from interfering with the system. The guide is mine, and I will do whatever I want. I do not need outside help.

Some help I will accept and credit are:

- Random glitches that have been saved as a screenshot
- A BBS thread that has an NG rule I missed
- Anything reported in the preliminary section (errors, advice, images, criticism, etc.)
- A news post that has something important posted in someone's page

Ideas like creating an account to speed up the blank posting will be denied. I am the one who will reserve supreme control of the NG Guide, and I will not accept any help from those who decide to assist.

This guide was meant to only be created by ME; not by the community.

If by any chance I DO need help for someone to set up another account to make more blank posts or anything similar to that sitation, I WILL ask someone if they can do it; do not bother volunteering yourself to do so (as it also reduces your chances of being asked to control a section).

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 7th, 2010

If you break these rules, expect an immediate ban:

- Using racist, sexist, homophobic or hateful language.

Using these will get an instant ban, even if you tried to censor it.

NOTE: You can use sexist or hateful language AS LONG AS you do not insult another user in the guide. So if you said for example, "The people in my workplace are total faggots", that will slide.

HOWEVER if you said "You're a faggot" that will get you a ban. The length of the ban will depend on the severity of the offense.

- Linking to pornographic or NSFW material without a clear warning.

When linking to art in the art portal, putting a warning is RECOMMENDED but not required. If you are linking to someone's user page, then you HAVE to put a NSFW tag on it if they have porn or any adult material or else you will be banned.

Also linking to sites that mess up one's browser will earn you a year-long ban. I have lost a lot of guide work due to faggots doing that, and I will take this very seriously.

- Linking to viruses, referral sites, or maliciously coded websites

Doing this will get you a permanent ban, with no warning.

- Discussing illegal activities - including, but not limited to: ROMs, cracks, warez and hacking.

All users discussing illegal activities will receive a permanent ban, and also will be reported to the site administrators or (if needed) the FBI for administration.

- Instigating or discussing malicious attacks on other websites

This is not a place to plan attacks. If caught doing so, all members will be banned. The length of the ban will be at my discretion.

- Posting any member's real life information without permission.

Not only is this rude, but it's also abuse.

- Impersonating Administrators, Moderators, or Newgrounds regulars.

This is not a huge offense, unless you try to trick everyone into thinking you are the actual member.

If you try to mimick a member, you will get a 30 day ban. Repeated offenses may end to permanent banning.

- Making too many useless comments in an attempt to spam the post

This will slide for the most part, unless it's annoying. Bans are very light on this one, but perisistent spamming will get a harsher ban.

It is one thing to leave your thoughts in multiple comments if your thoughts have come in separate chunks, but it's another thing to leave comments to spam the post.

- Flooding your post (4+ lines)

Like posting too many useless posts, this will be treated lightly unless it's very annoying. It's one thing to spam for hilarity, but it's another to be an ass to everyone.

- Attempting to smartass your way around these rules.

* This is a HUGE offense and breaking the rules itself is a less serious offense than trying to be a smartass around it. Admit you're breaking the rules instead of trying to be annoying and getting away with it. If I find something annoying you're getting banned.

If you break these rules, you risk a ban:

- Complaining, bitching or boasting about any ban received

There's a reason why you got your dumb fucking ass banned; BECAUSE YOU BROKE THE FUCKING RULES! You break the rules: You face the consequences. Simple. END.

Complaining or boasting about bans from site moderators, however, is a different story. Make sure to post your complaint in the right place, or else it will be deleted.

- Backseat modding: pointing out what needs to be deleted or banned.

Use the Guide Moderation form when you see someone breaking the rules or PM me. Announcing it in a news post is not going to get my attention (the very same reason why it's also banned from the BBS). Acting like a mod is going to not only stop the offender, but also annoy the other users. If you see someone backseat modding, do not point it out and be a secondary backsear moderator. PM me and I will clean the shit up.

- ALL CAPS posting

Do not overuse this. You are welcome to post in all-caps, but do not do it repeatedly (preferably no more than 2 ALL CAPS comments from you per day).

Caps can be used for comedic value.

- Chasing / harassing / insulting / flaming other users, regardless of who instigated it.

Unlike the BBS, this shit will be taken very seriously. Do NOT call random people "assholes" or "jackass" just because they don't agree with what you're saying or because of something trivial or downright retarded. HOWEVER, if insults are used in a humorous way and does not offend the person, or if it's directed to the person that is CLEARLY abusing the guide or breaking the rules (again, use the Guide Moderation form for rule breakers as doing it in the guide itself CAN cross into the backseat modding territory) then it may/will be acceptable.

- Harassing other users by having a continuous negative or bitter attitude towards them.

This is also another thing that will be taken seriously. The BBS mods won't do shit, but I will here.

- Insulting or harassing the moderators or administrators.

This rule speaks for itself. Exceptions are if you are bitching about a ban. However, if an admin gave you the ban, you have no right to bitch about it for they control the entire site.

- Trolling: crusing around looking for a fight.

This one will also be taken seriously. Trolls will earn a 10 day vacation after trolling, and if repeated will be permanently banned.

- Sniping or knocking established NG groups, such as the Clocks, Locks, IWP.

I personally am not a fan of this rule, nor ......................................

- Repeatedly advertising your website.

- Posting for the sole purpose of excluding the majority of the users.
* This won't be tolerated either

- Posting "Use the search", "Use Google" or similar messages without providing relevant links.

- Posting lame chat conversations. No one cares. Seriously.

- Repeatedly advertising something (news post, flash, audio, art, etc).

- Breaking any other listed rule in the BBS rules guide in this guide (Starts at Part 18).

- Going off-topic from the post (unless permitted).

- Starting flame wars.

- Bringing down the mood of a topic/discussion.

- Attempting to smartass your way around these rules.

***There are many other rules hidden here, but if you use common sense, it will be impossible to break them.***

If you break these rules, you'll be let free, but too many repeated offenses may get you banned:

- Posting stuff in the wrong section.
* An example is posting links to abusive reviews in Part 7 than Part 2.

- Attempting to smartass your way around these rules.
* An example is posting links to abusive reviews in Part 3 than in Part 2.

General Guidelines:
- Use proper grammar and punctuation.
* Lazyness will NOT be tolerated. It is okay if you make a few mistakes, but do not be a lazy bastard. If your post is unreadable due to lazy/poor grammaer/spelling, it will be considered spam and therefore be removed. It's also very immature as well. If you are learning English, then do not worry about this rule. This is directed to those that use "2" instead of "to/too" and "4" instead of "for" and "u" insteadd of "you".
- Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse not to follow them. If you don't know a rule existed, tough shit. You're held responsible into knowing the rules for every comment you make. Re-read the rulebook if you're not sure.
- Lurk first, post second (especially in the "Review Flagging Questions" section). Read the entire post and the first 50 comments before you post your own comment.
- If you're about to make a post that you're not sure is OK, whether covered by the rules or not, don't.
- If you can't make a positive contribution to a topic, don't post.
- If you're not here to have fun, go elsewhere.
* Seriously, follow this guideline. We don't want you here if you are not here to have fun. "Fun" is definted as those who come here to bitch or troll for the sole purpose of being a jackass; not to those who have come to learn.
- Read, re-read, and respect these rules.
- Do not try to smartass your way around these guidelines

The only people that can break these rules are the Newgrounds site moderators or administrators. Other than that, all users must abide these rules.

All and all use common sense while posting a comment on a guide post. Yes it's easy to get away from breaking the rules. Yes it's very user-centered where users have the freedom of speech to make rules and guidelines (if it's reasonable). Yes certain rules can be curved if users don't like them. The rules are made to keep users civil and keep the mood high. Generally if you use your head, avoid being an asshole, avoid acting superior to other users, be polite, stay on topic (if needed) and mostly be mature, you'll avoid breaking the rules altogether. That is all we ask from you.

Posted by NGReviewEater - June 7th, 2010

[Post Reply]

Welcome to the guide on how to use the NG Guide! A lot of posts in here can be confusing if you don't know why it actually exists. This post is here to clarify that, and explains how you can use the guide to the fullest.

First of all, if you haven't done so, read the NG Guide Posting Rules. They are generally the BBS rules, except some additional rules have been added and some rules from the BBS have been dropped. This in itself covers a large portion of this post.

So welcome to the Newgrounds Guide! It does seem like it's a huge guide, but don't worry. A majority of them are just interactive game posts that can be ignored if desired, and more than 40% of the guide is composed of empty posts called "Blank posts".


Posted by NGReviewEater - June 7th, 2010

Did you find some error on my news posts? Is there some mistake or false information up there? Is there a broken link that leads to nowhere? Did I forget to disable/enable comments? Is there some [epic] fail I made that I didn't fix?

Report the mistake/error it here and I'll fix it!

However keep in mind some errors probably cannot be fixed, and some may be intentional.